It was on free to air television all this time now it has moved to FOXTEL which I'm not wasting my hard earned money on.
I just can't get behind this "reboot" of Hydra!
Ward looks like an Abercrombie & Fitch model and his minions wear tank tops and sport tribal tattoos!
At least we found out that Powers Boothes character is the same from the first Avengers film.
Makes me wonder if he is an aid to the President...does that mean the president is HYDRA?
Wait, you've been watching this by Seven's erratic schedule this whole time?
Before I begin, let me just say SPOILERS FOR 'AGENTS OF SHIELD' SEASON 3 EPISODE 8 (That's why I wrote the title like that, if you were wondering). We all good? Let's begin.
Agents of SHIELD is a show full of twists and the most recent episode was no different. There were allusions to a possible future with Ward defending himself with a shield and displaying even more varied fighting styles (I don't care what anyone says, he's Taskmaster), some major development for Fitz and Simmons and a Magneto stand-in character.
One major twist though is that we're one step closer to finding out the identity of the being on the planet Simmons got sent to. I put out my theory for what that planet was HERE, but I'm here to talk today about what that being on the planet was.
We know because of Gideon Malick that the being is an Inhuman (so not Death) so powerful that it was banished. It's obviously evil, given Hydra's need for it in their arsenal and because it kills people, so we're assuming it's not someone like Black Bolt. I also think it's someone more menacing than characters like Randac and Agon.
It also needs an army of Inhumans with which to take the world. So without further ado, here's 5 theories as to who that Inhuman is...
This is the best comic based show on tv. Period. It has come a long way from the first 15 episodes of S1 when I almost stopped watching. Now it is must see tv for me. Love the spy vibe in the show with numerous twists and turns that are well executed. really dig the Rosalind character, so I was glad that she looks to be a "good" guy after all. I actually love to hate Ward too. He was useless as a good guy and is so much more interesting as a bad guy. Yeah, I want to see Coulson whup his @$$, but I am enjoying the build up too much to have them rush it.
Oh and Gags, you might want to put the identity of the Inhuman leader in spoiler tags. I don't read the comics and don't know who that is, but it is still spoiler-ish.
The Inhuman leader as in Black Bolt? Or the OTHER big thing they kinda revealed?Involving Hydra
well this show really picked up, Ward has come a long way, doubt he's gonna want to rule by anyones side tho so future conflict awaits with whoever is the inhuman on the other planet
Spoiler tag added to gagaliya's post just in case.
Thankswas just my guess, but in hindsight should put it in spoiler tags.
Ward is now a full blown villain, previous seasons you can see the show still wasn't sure what they want to do with the character and ward still had remorse and chance for redemption. But this season it's totally gone and he is as evil as any other marvel villains.
Just think back to season 1 when he was one of the main guy on shield, pretty crazy ride.
Thankswas just my guess, but in hindsight should put it in spoiler tags.