Broke and happy
I’ll never forget the nails under the fingernails torture scene from Ward on Bobbi.
This is also why I think the next season will be after A4. I also think the short run was ordered either to prepare to fold this series into Disney's new streaming service or to introduce a new set of spin-off series for that streaming service.
Your a little late on the "I think scenario". They already announced Shield S6 will not return till summer 2019, which will be after A4 is already released in theaters. And that S6 will end the show.
Yeah that’s a possibility.
But then what will Disney leave for ABC if everthing will go to their streaming platform is my question.
Bringing this back from the depths, but I finally had the chance to binge watch this season. Gotta say, I was fully anticipating hating this season after finding out it was not only an outer space story, but also a time traveling one. I was pleasantly surprised.
Perhaps I have terrible memory, but the first half of this season is my favorite arc out of all the seasons/arcs. I think it was just the constant tension of them literally living with the enemy that made it interesting. I am so surprised I enjoyed it.
The Talbot arc, eh... that was more weird than living with the Kree in outer space. But boy did the writers commit to Talbot. It was a gamble. Reminds me of previous seasons where I didn't love it, but also didn't hate it. It sufficed as entertainment.
Anyway, I know I'm super late and I'm sure no one is talking about this anymore, but I'm excited to see this show continue.
AoS IMO is currently the best of the MCU TV shows, Netflix included. The Netflix shows have been slumping in quality. SHIELD only got better as the seasons moved on.
Your a little late on the "I think scenario". They already announced Shield S6 will not return till summer 2019, which will be after A4 is already released in theaters. And that S6 will end the show.
See, Whedon I think destroyed any chance of Coulson ever being part of the MCU when he used his death as a trope that gets the Avengers together. Having him suddenly be alive I think would throw everything off. I would love to see Coulson start popping up in all of the Netflix shows and be the bridge that connects all of them. Sure Claire did some of it, but Coulson is far better at it I would like in terms of even just investigating the actions of our heroes or even maybe recruiting them into "shield".
Out of all the MCUTV AoS is my favorite.![]()
Either Coulson will back in the MCU or left in limbo when it’s over
Mine as well. I was/am into Daredevil, but for whatever reason I think I have Marvel Netflix fatigue. I'm usually a release night binger, but since The Defenders, I've literally watched 5 minutes of Jessica Jones and haven't even been motivated to start Luke Cage.
I find I'm enjoying a show more when I don't binge an entire season.
Both are fun to me.
Watching an episode per week extends the excitement and it doesn't turn me into a sleep deprived zombie.
But I find binging kind of allows the momentum and emotional build-up to flow better.
If I can, I'll watch it weekly when the new episodes release. But if I get too far behind, I have no problem letting the entire season pass and binging for a week or so once it hits Netflix.
There's been times that I couldn't catch AoS on Friday's and I had to binge two or three episodes to get caught up. Thank you Hulu!![]()