Alex Krycek On The Way! 15-20 Days Out. Finally!

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well, they didn't even have to include an entire arm. All Sideshow figures have smooth arms with only the hand detailed so they could have even included a "real" hand and a "fake" hand.

The only Sideshow figure I have with interchangeable hands is the first Ash figure (you could remove his metal hand and replace it with the chainsaw, which is a good comparison here because Ash never wore the chainsaw with that outfit but they gave the option anyway) but aren't the sideshow hands/wrists all designed to pop off like the Ash figure? I'd be too scared to try it out on any of mine but I'm sure some of you customizers might now.

If that is the case then you could probably just switch the fake hand out with one from one of your less-loved Sideshow figures, although that still might not work because I think someone mentioned that Krycek's fake hand is lacking wrist articulation, which I wouldn't know since mine won't be here until Wednesday.

In any case, I'm not too worried about it. Like I said, I'm fine with "Krycek's Greatest Hits".
It not just the hand, it is his arm up to the first elbow joint. Sideshow hands my be interchangable, but not at the upper arm joints.
GuruAskew said:
but aren't the sideshow hands/wrists all designed to pop off like the Ash figure? I'd be too scared to try it out on any of mine but I'm sure some of you customizers might now.

I've got a Faith BTVS figure that has interchangable hands but I can't get the damn thing to pop off - like you I'm a bit too scared to apply too much force and break the damn thing.
I wish the hands on SIDESHOW's JEDI LUKE were a bit tougher to pop off; they come off with the slighest touch.
I really like this figure, the only thing that I dont like though are the pants. He's wearing grandpa's pants.:chew
He definitely *WON'T* be the last "X-Files" figure because Skinner is coming in June.
They never did do the regular edition, right? I didn't think they did, but they still mention it on the page...
The regular edition was canceled.

My Krycek was supposed to arrive today but I track the package and it's on the truck for delivery... in a neighboring city about 45 minutes away! ARGHH!

Hopefully this will get straigtened out without the figure getting lost but I really don't see the figure arriving before tomorrow now.

Anyone know if they fixed the glasses on Skinner ?

I suspect that this won't be known until June when Sideshow updates the product page with photos of the actual production sample.
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He actually did come today, an unmarked white van dropped him off, which was sort of X-Files-esque.

I've opened him up and while I have to say I'm satisfied overall, I think there are three things that could have been done to make the figure perfect, two of which have already been discussed:

1: I really wish the eyes defaulted to normal and turned black when heat was applied

2: I wish there was an interchangeable left arm so you could pick between pre-amputation and post-amputation Krycek

3: His right hand should have been the "gun" hand with the trigger finger. Krycek racked up more kills than any other major "X-Files" character and he can't even hold his gun properly. I have him holding the alien stiletto but I had planned on having him holding his gun.