Alien and Predator battle model ????? which one

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Super Freak
Apr 4, 2008
Reaction score
Manchester, England
hi guys, looking to buy a battle scene with pred takeing on alien but carnt decide what to get !!!!!!

i have just seen an new hot toys one comeing out with the wolf pred + the alien cross breed takeing each other on... but its not 100% what i want, im realy after the origional pred takeing on the old school alien... do you guys know where i can buy one or how to make one up?.

Add lots of pics plz .... :D
Well if you are looking for an original alien and predator from hot toys then you will have to wait awhile as not out day soon :rolleyes: unless you go the custom route.....

There are some done by medicom, neca, mcfarlane etc but I don't like them as much....check out the Clan thread started by Dark Blade Clan as there might be some ideas there for some setups using other characters......:D

Good to see another UK bod :joy
I'm not quite sure I follow...
You like the AvP-R statue, but want a statue of the original Pred against the original Alien?

There's a bunch of kits out there, and the McF MM5 boxed set, but I'm not sure that's what you're looking for.
Yeah, you need to be more specific. There's alot of great kits and statues out there, if that's what you're looking for.

Here's a few examples...





good job Sabres21768

i realy like the pred with the spear because i have the master replicas spear and i also like the last modle where preds deep throating the alien but in a good way lol.... who are they made by?

also just looked at your pics that ripley kit is megga

can you buy it like that or do you have to paint it?
I have seen that being sold over at
I don't think that they still have it available though.
Yeah I sen that over at the hunters lair a while back awesome piece.
I bought a few kits but they all eneded up getting wrecked !.
They were way too fragile.