yep the greatest movie franchise ever IMO soon to get even bigger (hopefully )
Yea lets hope Terminator Salvation is a critical rather than just commercial success
I will add king kong to the poll now !
I'm joking
=uscmhicks;1200839]how can alien and terminator not interest you ?..
I dunno ... I always though robocop was on his own in the sci-fi world. Awesome movie , I just don't see it with these 3 grouped.
You definately forgot robo though. Alien, Predator, Terminator, Robocop sorta belong in the same group.
I'm a original Predator/original Robocop guy.
Both Alien and Terminator don't interest me.
Get out!
And everything in your signature (except Rocky 1) doesn't interest me either.
Its actually from Rocky II.
Get out!