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Re: [FAQ/Help] Predators Toys

P1 is the original predator from PREDATOR.

Then there is the predator from PREDATOR 2 as well as a BD (Battle Damaged) version. Hot Toys also makes the elder predator and two of the "lost predators" from the end of the film that are on the ship.

From AVP there is the scar, celtic, and chopper predator. Essentially the same figure with some different accessories and bio masks. They also made the elder from the end of that film as well as two ancient predators that are shown in a flashback scene on top of a pyramid. As far as the ancients go there is the Asian and the special edition. Same figure, different bio masks. There was also a VERY limited 8th anicon version of the scar which came with 2 heads and possibly some other accessories but I'm not positive.

AVP-R there is the wolf. They made an original version and then a cleaner kit one. Again, same figure but with different accessories. The cleaner also came with a BD bio mask and a different head that had changeable mandibles.

Now of course they are making predators from PREDATORS.
Re: [FAQ/Help] Predators Toys

The two Elders are different, for starters. One is from Predator 2 and the other is from AVP. If you've seen all the movies, it should be easy to look through the figures by movie to find what you want. FACEBOX's post has it all ;).
So the jaw bone on The Berserkers bio, what animal does it come from?

(Get some discussion going in the discussion thread)
So the jaw bone on The Berserkers bio, what animal does it come from?

(Get some discussion going in the discussion thread)

:dunno, Just some random carnivore. Maybe we'll get some insight on the special features of the DVD...if there are any.

Berserker prob just sculpted it out of polystone and glued it on.:nana:
Re: [FAQ/Help] Predators Toys

Guardian also comes with the re-breather though.


Wolf (with bendy whip and 2 mounted cannons)
Cleaner Wolf ( bd bio, cleaner case, alien base, pistol cannon)

Ani- Scar ( BD paint and open mandibles head)
Celtic (wrist launcher and bio)
Chopper (skull trophies and bio)
Elder ( head, bio, and cape)
Ancient SS EX (less armor and new bio)
Ancient Asia EX. (same as other ancient except for bio)

Predator-2 Battle Damage (paint, alien skull, re-breather, medikit)
Predator-2 Elder
Guardian EX. (paint, skull, bio)

Predator EX. (BD bio)
Re: [FAQ/Help] Predators Toys


Wolf (with bendy whip and 2 mounted cannons)
Cleaner Wolf ( bd bio, cleaner case, alien base, pistol cannon)

Ani- Scar ( BD paint and open mandibles head)
Celtic (wrist launcher and bio)
Chopper (skull trophies and bio)
Elder ( head, bio, and cape)
Ancient SS EX (less armor and new bio)
Ancient Asia EX. (same as other ancient except for bio)

Predator-2 Battle Damage (paint, alien skull, re-breather, medikit)
Predator-2 Elder
Guardian EX. (paint, skull, bio)

Predator EX. (BD bio)

Just for fun would anyone like to put values next to each one loose and MIB? (by value I mean what they go for on ebay, no what you feel they are worth or should be worth)
Berserker - $180-$210

Wolf (with bendy whip and 2 mounted cannons) - $225-$250
Cleaner Wolf ( bd bio, cleaner case, alien base, pistol cannon) $200-$225

Scar - $600
Ani- Scar ( BD paint and open mandibles head) - $800-$900 (hard to say, since no one on feeBay has ever sold one lately for a reasonable price)
Celtic (wrist launcher and bio) - $550-$700
Chopper (skull trophies and bio) - $350-$450
Elder ( head, bio, and cape) - $300-$400
Ancient SS EX (less armor and new bio) - $600-$650
Ancient Asia EX. (same as other ancient except for bio) - $650-$750

Predator-2 - $325-$350
Predator-2 Battle Damage (paint, alien skull, re-breather, medikit) - $350
Predator-2 Elder - $500-$600
Lost - $160
Guardian EX. (paint, skull, bio) - $200 (original price) - $400

Predator - $250
Predator EX. (BD bio) - $250-$300

Some of these might be a little off, but there it is...
I just checked the Guardian Preds prices on ebay out of curiosity and he goes for anywhere from $203-$700. I'm so glad I got mine from SSC.
Can anyone please point out to me the page which has the custom masks for hot toys 1/6 original predator figure? My search terms don't seem to be getting any hits.

Does anyone know if its possible to switch the HT Wolf Predator onto a better proportioned body such as the P1? Just looking at my 2 Wolf Preds now and they are easily IMO the worst HT Predator figures due to that anorexia and wierd upper arms/shoulders. They just do not capture the Predator from AvP:R enough for my liking, way too lanky.
Much obliged! thank you so much!

P.S : I just got the hot toys from predator 1 and I'm having trouble changing the hands. Everytime I pull it out only the palms come off but the ball sticks in. Any help?

Try using a blowdryer on it to soften it up a bit, then use some pliers and a towel. Avoid direct contact from the pliers with the joint, you may ruin it. With the heating of the blowdryer that sucker should pop right now. Good luck.

Does anyone know if its possible to switch the HT Wolf Predator onto a better proportioned body such as the P1? Just looking at my 2 Wolf Preds now and they are easily IMO the worst HT Predator figures due to that anorexia and wierd upper arms/shoulders. They just do not capture the Predator from AvP:R enough for my liking, way too lanky.

I can understand where you're coming from. Wolf does tend to look s a bit malnourished. Pose him like how I pose him and you won't mind as much anymore. He is probably the most flexible HT Pred ever made due to his skinny limbs.




So is there any info or any back ground why its called Guardian Predator? Is it because he watched over P2?

Hot Toys just made it up. He's actually called the Gort Predator. But the Gort from the movie has a slightly different paint to his armor. More similar to the main Predator in P2. There was never a Lost Predator either. Lost Predator is actually a composite of a few members of the Lost Tribe you see at the end of the movie. That's as much as I can explain for you.
Try using a blowdryer on it to soften it up a bit, then use some pliers and a towel. Avoid direct contact from the pliers with the joint, you may ruin it. With the heating of the blowdryer that sucker should pop right now. Good luck.

Thank you very much sir. I pulled out the closed fist one from the ball instead and switched it with the palms instead to save the trouble.

I had a few problems when I first got it as the left leg was loose and whenever I pushed it back in, it ended up crumpling up the netting around his legs so I had to try to adjust it by taking out the leg and the leg armor and put some thread over and around the net and pull it down lightly while I pushed back the leg armor up. Worked fine for me but am I doing it right?

Also, the left brown pouch on his left hip is now hanging (due to the fact that it's held by 2 rubber and 1 of it snapped when I touched it). Any suggestions on how to patch it? the rubber piece is gone tho.

Finally, the left wire on the shoulder cannon also wasn't glued it properly I think. When I raised it a little then it dismantled. Basically the top wire is stuck in the cannon fine but the lower one is out of its microscopic hole. I can stick it back in to hide it but I'm not comfortable with the defect. Any help on that too?


P.S : Am I posting in the right section of the forum? I searched for a predator 1 hot toys thread but all I've seen are just threads for pictures and poses.
Thank you very much sir. I pulled out the closed fist one from the ball instead and switched it with the palms instead to save the trouble.

I had a few problems when I first got it as the left leg was loose and whenever I pushed it back in, it ended up crumpling up the netting around his legs so I had to try to adjust it by taking out the leg and the leg armor and put some thread over and around the net and pull it down lightly while I pushed back the leg armor up. Worked fine for me but am I doing it right?

Also, the left brown pouch on his left hip is now hanging (due to the fact that it's held by 2 rubber and 1 of it snapped when I touched it). Any suggestions on how to patch it? the rubber piece is gone tho.

Finally, the left wire on the shoulder cannon also wasn't glued it properly I think. When I raised it a little then it dismantled. Basically the top wire is stuck in the cannon fine but the lower one is out of its microscopic hole. I can stick it back in to hide it but I'm not comfortable with the defect. Any help on that too?


P.S : Am I posting in the right section of the forum? I searched for a predator 1 hot toys thread but all I've seen are just threads for pictures and poses.

In my opinion my friend there really isn't a wrong way to fix up your pred as long as you're comfortable with it and nothing is breaking so the leg armor and netting part is fine.

As for the pouch I'm not too sure about a remedy for that. Would be kinda hard if you can't find the rubber piece. You sure it's not just hiding inside the belt or something? Maybe find a similar colored piece laying around the house and just glue it?

And as for the cannon wire popping out, it's a pretty common problem. Happened to me also. I just dabbed a tiny bit of glue at the wire and stuck it back in. It's pretty permanent now.

Yea posting your questions here is fine. Either here or the Official Hot Toys Original Predator thread. Either way you'll get help. Probably more so in the original Predator Thread.