Here on the Perimeter
Hey everybody, I'm truly sorry for not being around much these days and for being so painfully slow with the drawings. It is not for want of desire to see this project move ahead...there is nothing I want more, but as Angie accurately noted, life has simply been demanding more time and energy than I've had to give to my personal interests for a while, including this project.
Unexpectedly losing the use of my relatively new computer was a low blow, and it has severely limited my online activities, however, I'm glad to report that the drawings themselves are completely unaffected. For what it's worth, something to be thankful for.
I really do understand and share the frustration many of you feel waiting for this project to move forward. As I've said before, neither Paul nor Angie are responsible for the pace of this project. I know they're just as anxious as everyone else (including myself) to see this thing take off... and it WILL take off... it HAS to take off. I simply can't live without my quartet of robot sentries, proudly on display with my full squad of Aliens colonial marines, some time in the not too distant future! Can you???
As Paul pointed out, I've already done a considerable amount of work on this project and I'm not about to quit now, not for any reason. Angie has had the patience of a saint waiting for me to put something in her hands so she can finally get started, and I most certainly do not want to test her any further than I have already. I will be contacting her shortly!
Thankfully, I have several weeks off from my most time-consuming job, so I will be concentrating on the drawings. I haven't heard from Stendec in a very long time. If he's no longer interested, or is unavailable, then hopefully somebody else can draw up plans for the power unit after the main part of the project is underway. The main thing is to get something started before things start coming apart at the seams... that would be truly regrettable.
Any updates, Bro?
And again, many thanks for putting so much time and effort into this Special Project for us.