Your problem is your choice of characters. The Marvel movies, in general, are overrated and the GOTG characters were visually boring af. I shake my head when I see a glass case filled with thousands of dollars worth of Hoy Toys Marvel movie characters. Many of these movies were all hype. They were good for a first-time viewing but who is going to watch this stuff over and over? Stick with the comic book characters with their classic Kirby, Ditko, Romita designs that have lasted several decades. Marvel movies come and go. Who has watched Spider-Man 3 in the last 10 years? How about Iron Man 3 in the last six years? Ben Kingsley Mandarin, my ass.
You bring an excellent point, collect what has the most meaning to oneself. Before I attempt to buy most figures, I ask myself, "Am I going to be happy to have it? Do I feel this is going to bring me joy for a great amount of time, even later on?"