Awesome. Don't know if I want to go down that rabbit hole or not, but. . .I probably will.
A pre-production review of Maketoys Gundog (AKA Hound) - Toy Version. I honestly don't know how Takara can improve on this...I mean, I hope they will but for now I'd be very happy if this was the only one to be made. Planning on purchasing both versions.
Kind of wish FansToys does Ironhide...
I would back FT, Badcube, MMC and XTransbots to design a better Ironhide/Ratchet than any we've seen so far, it's whether they will see the characters as viable.
WOW on Ramjet. Did not see that coming this soon! Definitely getting that guy - according to TFW, it'll be a Japanese release, too, which means more in the $130 range.
EDIT: Apparently not a "regular" release, though - could be limited. Hmmm...
Yup, agreed.
Hey, which Sunstreaker are you getting, btw? I've almost pulled the trigger on the Badcube one, but I don't know yet...
I saw some pictures of the Badcube Insecticos, and is it me, or am I the only one that thinks they look better than the FT ones?
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There's a lot of excitement over Ramjet but really it's something TT could have done a long time ago as it's hardly the greatest design challenge although I wasn't suprised to discover that Kobayashi has still managed to add some kibble that doesn't do the overall aesthetic any favors in the form of giant knee pads
A more sensible area for retooling would have been the feet because the articulation on them is very limited compared to the earlier Seeker mold and I also think a nod to the G1 toy by making Ramjet's unique weapons would also have been a decent change.
I pre-ordered 2 Badcube SunSurge figures a couple of weeks back.
It's a clear winner over Spinout for me, it hits all the major design cues, has diecast, chrome and rubber tyres and most importantly looks like it'll actually be released
Spinout is a nice looking Sunstreaker, but it takes too many liberties with the design in both modes to really work as a Masterpiece. If it's released I'd put it in that same "not quite" territory as DX9's figures.
An impressive retool and another surprising release, but I really wish they'd scrap the MP-11 mold entirely and start from scratch. Everything about the mold is so flawed that you'd need to retool everything to fix it anyhow. The transformation is joyless, and the robot mode is basically un-posable due to a combination of poor articulation, worthless feet, overly-stiff joints, kibble rubbing against kibble, and the upper body coming undone every time you so much look at the shoulders. It's just a horrendous design in every way imaginable and doesn't fit with the rest of the line at all, seeing as how every other figure us fun to pick up, pose, and transform.
Did you see this? The knee pads are cartoon accurate.
View attachment 219032
Yeah, Takara could have done it a while ago, but eh... I mean, unless they really up their release schedule it would have taken the place of some other Masterpiece that was released.
I can see why the Coneheads aren't that exciting to everyone, though. They certainly don't seem as essential as, say, the original three Seekers, or many other characters. To be quite honest, they're a bit borderline for me as well. I had the iGear ones for a bit and ended up selling those about a year ago, with no regrets. I'm almost certain I'll be getting them all (assuming they're all released) but they really aren't that necessary for a solid MP Decepticon display.
For my part, it's all about Megatron, Soundwave (and his tapes), Starscream and his two Seeker buddies, Shockwave, the Insecticons and the Constructicons. I could have that right now, or soon enough anyway, if I was to settle on Apollyon or CW Devastator... but I think I'll wait for better options on both. Anything else - Triple Changers, other combiners, the Coneheads, or Season Three guys - is gravy.
Yeah, I think I'm with you on that. I've come close to ordering, though I guess I do prefer official figures when it comes to the cars, whenever possible. I could see MP Sunstreaker getting released, but then again, after seeing MP Ironhide, there's no guarantee it'll be better than SunSurge.![]()