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Well I have no connection to that design, but it would be preferable to having Ultra Magnus on display. I mean, Hot Rod was an impetuous idiot who caused Optimus to be killed. But at least he wasn't a wishy-washy loser like Magnus! :D
Jazz & Trailbreaker are the last two I need.

. . .obviously Hoist, as well.
Re: All things transformers!!!!


I truly love these two lil' bastards! Can't put them down. I remember when I was young and got my Godsigma (A Chokogin robot) and the thing felt like a dream when handled. These guys remind me of that.

I got Perceptor and Reflector on my pile of loot. Might as well wait for Hound too.

I'm also getting Maketoys Chromedome as well as Hardhead (big fan of Targetnaster/Powermasters) so I can't wait for those either.

I hear MT's quality is also real good, so we'll see.

I think Badcube's Insecticons do a couple of things better ( less back kibble, more cartoon accurate proportions ) but FT's are the nicer figures overall. I haven't ruled out getting the Badcube ones as well at some point but there's also the MMC set still to be released. It's amazing how good the options are getting for some characters.

I've had FT Reflector for a couple of weeks and think it's great, if a tad fiddly in parts of the transformation to camera mode. Having also handled the Make Toys version I think both options have their merits, there really isn't a clear winner.

If FT Hound's in hand quality turns out like I'm expecting then it'll be the best MP scale carbot bar none, it looks that good.

I haven't yet bought any of Make Toys MP figures but the quality on their Reflector is decent. I'm also looking forward to seeing how their Megatron and Seeker molds turn out.

The Powered Convoy repaint of MP22 was as inevitable as my lack of intrest :lol

Badcube have started teasing their next new mold with this image,

No idea who this might be as their concept art is often very different to how their final figures tend to look.

The characters I'd like most from them include Cliffjumper, Gears, Windcharger & Trailbreaker.
Re: All things transformers!!!!

I think Badcube's Insecticons do a couple of things better ( less back kibble, more cartoon accurate proportions ) but FT's are the nicer figures overall. I haven't ruled out getting the Badcube ones as well at some point but there's also the MMC set still to be released. It's amazing how good the options are getting for some characters.

I've had FT Reflector for a couple of weeks and think it's great, if a tad fiddly in parts of the transformation to camera mode. Having also handled the Make Toys version I think both options have their merits, there really isn't a clear winner.

If FT Hound's in hand quality turns out like I'm expecting then it'll be the best MP scale carbot bar none, it looks that good.

I haven't yet bought any of Make Toys MP figures but the quality on their Reflector is decent. I'm also looking forward to seeing how their Megatron and Seeker molds turn out.

The Powered Convoy repaint of MP22 was as inevitable as my lack of intrest :lol

Badcube have started teasing their next new mold with this image,

No idea who this might be as their concept art is often very different to how their final figures tend to look.

The characters I'd like most from them include Cliffjumper, Gears, Windcharger & Trailbreaker.

How are you liking Sunsurge? For the love of me, there's something about him that just doesn't click, but it is hard to explain. Is the transformation a sfluid as Hasui's carbots? Has another 3P hinted another one (preferably FT)?
Hmmm, I really need to stop doing reviews when I'm tired at 2 o'clock in the morning! Here's my somewhat slow, rambling, and definitely over long review of the new MP-28 Hot Rod lol!! :D

Right behind ya Kai! :duff

Having lots of fun with this guy! Pretyy impressed as in the beginning I wasnt even on board! Well done Takara!

Video Review!

Hot Rod look! There's a hole in the shuttle!

Arise Rodimus Prime!

Straight Outta Box!
Re: All things transformers!!!!

How are you liking Sunsurge? For the love of me, there's something about him that just doesn't click, but it is hard to explain. Is the transformation as fluid as Hasui's carbots? Has another 3P hinted another one (preferably FT)?

Sunsurge is one of the best figures I own.

The car mode perfectly matches the proportions of the MP12 mold, has a glossy paintjob that ensures it looks the part next to official carbots and the rubber tyres and chrome add some extra nostalgia for the G1 toy. If chrome's not your thing you get the option of swapping those bits over for silver painted ones.

The rear end of the car looks a bit weird but is cartoon accurate, it's the sort of thing that it would be praised for if it was an official figure, but because it's 3rd party it seems to be used as a stick to beat it with. Like most people I don't display figures back to front so it's not an issue.

The transformation isn't as fluid as Hasui's carbots, but it doesn't feel like anything was done just for the sake of making it complex and as long as you take your time and don't try and rush anything there should be no problems, I found it to be a lot less fiddly in practice than the video reviews made it look, which was very similar to my experience with Badcube's Warpath.

The robot mode is one of the most posable MP style Transformers so far and aesthetically works very well with official figures, there's maybe a slight stylised look to it but I'm fine with that as I'm not fond of figures that are overly slavish to the animation models.

The fake chest has recieved it's share of criticism but I think it works fine as mass shifting doesn't exist in the real world so the only way to properly recreate the cartoon aesthetic for the robot mode whilst maintaining real world accuracy for the alt mode is by doing a fake chest.

It's a cheat, but so is MP10's fake grill and part of Bumblebee's chest so it's another non issue as far as I'm concerned.

The feet do look a bit big from some angles but it works in the figures favor as it's very stable even when balanced on one foot for running or kicking poses.

The only other Sunstreaker so far seems to be Omnigonix Spinout which has slightly better proportioned feet but otherwise looks like Sunsurge's uglier, overweight relative :lol
Re: All things transformers!!!!

Sunsurge is one of the best figures I own.

The car mode perfectly matches the proportions of the MP12 mold, has a glossy paintjob that ensures it looks the part next to official carbots and the rubber tyres and chrome add some extra nostalgia for the G1 toy. If chrome's not your thing you get the option of swapping those bits over for silver painted ones.

The rear end of the car looks a bit weird but is cartoon accurate, it's the sort of thing that it would be praised for if it was an official figure, but because it's 3rd party it seems to be used as a stick to beat it with. Like most people I don't display figures back to front so it's not an issue.

The transformation isn't as fluid as Hasui's carbots, but it doesn't feel like anything was done just for the sake of making it complex and as long as you take your time and don't try and rush anything there should be no problems, I found it to be a lot less fiddly in practice than the video reviews made it look, which was very similar to my experience with Badcube's Warpath.

The robot mode is one of the most posable MP style Transformers so far and aesthetically works very well with official figures, there's maybe a slight stylised look to it but I'm fine with that as I'm not fond of figures that are overly slavish to the animation models.

The fake chest has recieved it's share of criticism but I think it works fine as mass shifting doesn't exist in the real world so the only way to properly recreate the cartoon aesthetic for the robot mode whilst maintaining real world accuracy for the alt mode is by doing a fake chest.

It's a cheat, but so is MP10's fake grill and part of Bumblebee's chest so it's another non issue as far as I'm concerned.

The feet do look a bit big from some angles but it works in the figures favor as it's very stable even when balanced on one foot for running or kicking poses.

The only other Sunstreaker so far seems to be Omnigonix Spinout which has slightly better proportioned feet but otherwise looks like Sunsurge's uglier, overweight relative :lol

Thanks for the mini review. I'll consider Sun in the next couple of weeks.

I received my Maketoys Chromedome and Hardhead and they are both AMAZING! While not as much Diecast as, say, QW or anything FT does, these figures are HEAVY and so well proportioned! The plastic MT uses is top of the line! If you loved Headmasters, you cant go wrong with these beats!

There's a bit of nitpicks but its all good. I also ordered their version of Grapple, and I guess I'll stick with MMC's version of Inferno since I believe it to be more cartoon accurate.
Sunsurge doesn't click with me, either. I got Hot Rod and Ironhide yesterday, and tonight I was finally able to transform and play with them a bit. Hot Rod is amazing in-hand. One of the best Transformers figures I've seen. And I say that not caring much about the character. I bought him primarily for the design, and the fact that he's a borderline legit Transformer :D It actually makes me want Magnus as a companion piece, and I've stayed far away from him thus far.

Ironhide, is a character I love, but the figure still doesn't wow me like I wish he could. He is good, and I'm happy to have him at all, but not perfect. Head too small, proportions too wonky. I'm annoyed that he doesn't have bicep rotation, too. Inhibits articulation. But you can get him in good poses. And his size is a really nice change of pace compared with the other MP figures on display.

Both figures have scores of options.
Sunsurge doesn't click with me, either. I got Hot Rod and Ironhide yesterday, and tonight I was finally able to transform and play with them a bit. Hot Rod is amazing in-hand. One of the best Transformers figures I've seen. And I say that not caring much about the character. I bought him primarily for the design, and the fact that he's a borderline legit Transformer :D It actually makes me want Magnus as a companion piece, and I've stayed far away from him thus far.

Ironhide, is a character I love, but the figure still doesn't wow me like I wish he could. He is good, and I'm happy to have him at all, but not perfect. Head too small, proportions too wonky. I'm annoyed that he doesn't have bicep rotation, too. Inhibits articulation. But you can get him in good poses. And his size is a really nice change of pace compared with the other MP figures on display.

Both figures have scores of options.

Thanks for not being a shill for Sunsurge... I love how some will wax poetic about him, and minimize the issues just to hype up the 3rd party developers... it seems hypocritical the side establishing based on love or hate for some manaufacturers. Kara, Hot Rod is Amazing! Sunsurge... clearly a pedestrian figure for a pedestrian "fan."
I have Sunsurge, and while it's a good figure I don't feel it's a great one. I have nothing against the faux chest as it is a clever way of keeping things more or less in proportion, albeit in this case I think it's a tad too small and ends up looking a little 2 dimensional; they could have tried to get it to stick out a little more. I'm just not a fan of the flatpack nature of how it is built either, as I think it looks awkward with all those joints all over the place. Overall it's a good representation of the character and sits well with the others in my collection (even though he stands at the back of the shelf), but as soon as a better representation is on offer it will be replaced.