MP 05 colors with the brushed steel look would have great.This is probably one of the toughest Transformers to design to make Megatron accurate in robot and gun mode. The colors of it could be a little better, but it still looks good to me.
MP 05 colors with the brushed steel look would have been great.
The only issue I have with MP 36 is that is not in my hands yet.
The only issue I have with MP 36 is that is not in my hands yet.
Not looking forward to the half hour long transformation
If you buy Badcube stuff you must be used to 3hr transformations!
Because it´s so important how his back looks. I mean...I always check my collection from the back, thinking: My, oh we have nice clean backs here..."
Would rep if I could.
I would actually love to see those "artist" and "toy engineer" wannabes do a better cartoon accurate Megatron. I mean, If you hate it so much, there's options!
- Crapollyon
- Craspotron
- Whatever the **** the other one is called.
Everyone's happy.
But no, THE BACK! LOL.
Jesus Christ, I understand people have been waiting for a new official Megatron for a long time, but what we got isn't perfect. It is messy compared to the other options. Takara did some aspects of it better than others, but they also did some things worse. It all comes down to personal preference. No reason to **** on each other's opinions like ****ing grade-schoolers.
Fair enough. Sorry all for sounding like a douche. Will edit my comment.
You didn´t sound like a douche.
You sound realistic. That´s a difference.
Thx, man.
Well, if TT wouldn´t have announced Megs, I would´ve gone with Despotron. I like him very much.
Ouh and you were searching for Mightron.
Like ****ing what?
You kidding me? You know how many times I have read that opinion...that the back looks bad?
I don´t need to do anything you know?
You may take into consideration to let the following sink in:
1.: I don´t **** on anything. My opinion is MY opinion, you just **** on mine. The back, in my book, is no reason.
2.: Take the realistic standpoint:
What is the main difference between all 3rd party Megs to the official?
They are bulky. Bulk makes space in between. Think realistic, or pragmatic, from an engineering standpoint.
Every company, with all of their Megs, with all of their space in there, didn´t manage to hide all kibble, nail the proportions AND add that amount of articulation.
Comparison to TT: natural articulation, ****ing nailed facesculpt, ****load of accessories, and while we´re at it cartoon-accurate proportions and EVERYTHING is hidden inside, except all that didn´t fit, like stock and silencer.
But those was impossible for all others too.
So, does he look panel-ly? Sure.
Is the transformation a bit complex, Yeah.
But: That´s a collectible for adults. A collectible that emulates a character that turns from a humanoid robot, into a gun.
Don´t come with when´s and if´s and my opinion ****s on others.
Everybody that can think at least ONE. BIT. like and engineer/from an engineering standpoint doesn´t say the words:
"The back is a mess."