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Bumblebee's accident.

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Bumblebee's accident.

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The cop was so in the wrong there. You dont go speeding through a closed set no matter who you are. What if there were actors or extras laying on the floor pretending to be dead or injured?
Typical law enforcement thinking they can do whatever the hell they like and get away with it.
The cop was so in the wrong there. You dont go speeding through a closed set no matter who you are. What if there were actors or extras laying on the floor pretending to be dead or injured?
Typical law enforcement thinking they can do whatever the hell they like and get away with it.

..... wow.
Don't care for cops much?
lol, does anybody?

Where I come from, yes, we do.

Takes a special kind of person to take on a job like that. YES there are _______s in that profession. but there are also also Form moderators, toy customizers, game designers, bus drivers, waiters, etc.

You shouldn't have such a narrow-minded view of the world. i recommended taking in everything on a case-by-case basis.

You'll find things go much smoother for you I'll wager.

and about the video in question. The officer in that scene is responding to a Call ( as indicated by1: his use of lights and sirens, and 2: the article that accompanied the video also stated such) , so yes, he was well within his rights to pass through "closed set" if it got him to his destination faster.

The street the officer was on appears to be a main road, as it has no lights, nor stop signs at that intersection. the extra driving Bee likely ran a stop sign given how fast he was going in the clip. so he's the one at fault.

And lastly, while driving, the proper thing to do when hearing sirens is to pull over and stop so as to get out of the way of any approaching emergency service vehicle, and continue on with your business once they have passed you.
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Lugnut! Looks a bit disappointing though; not as bulky as I had hoped, and I was actually hoping that he'd have a Bayformer aesthetic, to match Highbrow. Oh well.


Grapple keeps looking better and better though! Love how he's such an extensive retool; it's not just the crane and head, but also the arms and feet. Kickass.

snipped for common sense and space

Wow talk about a lecture. :lecture

Listen not everybody thinks in such black and white terms as you seem to mate.

Different people live and have led very different lives, and things change even more when different countries and cultures are involved.

Im far from narrow minded and i resent the implication. I find that quite offensive actually.

Not everyone thinks that law enforcement "officers" deserve such unquestioned, unconditional respect and though i am positive there are a few gems and genuine human beings in that "profession" the bad apples more than spoil the good.

Yeah you are right it does take a "special" kind of person to do that job but thats exactly the problem!
The kind of power hungry control freak who thinks its ok to look down on everyone else and speak to them like they are 5 years old (much like you just did to me) because they wear a uniform.

The kind of up-their-own-butt, snotty, arrogant a-holes and the two-faced, hypocritical system they work to uphold that puts a peadophile in jail for only several years but allows police officers who murder civilians due to their heavy handed actions to get away with it exactly the reason why i have zero respect for those types of people.

And im sure, no certain infact that anyone from the same walk of life as i will tell you the same and tell you that in order to get respect you have to EARN it first.

Now back on to the subject of the crash i will say again that the cop IS at fault, and this isnt a matter of opinion either.
The set was CLOSED OFF for a reason, and like i said what if there were actors or extras involved? That idiot cop could have killed 6 or 7 people with their wreckless driving!
There are certain protocals and procedures involved when dealing with a closed set like that, not only that but im sure that unit wasnt the ONLY one in town that could have dealt with whatever situation was at hand.
The cop should have called ahead and told the set manager that he needed to cut throguh. The set would have been closed down and the road cleared for the cop to blast through and all would have been fine.

You wouldnt expect a cop to cross a busy runway full of 747's taking off and landing to get to their destination, putting 100's of lives in danger in the process would you?

But im sure if one did and an accident happened the cop still wouldnt get the blame cos well...they're cops...they can do no wrong right? :rolleyes:

And yes i am WELL AWARE of the procedures for dealing with emergency vehicles when driving thank you very much.
Wow talk about a lecture. :lecture

Listen not everybody thinks in such black and white terms as you seem to mate.

Different people live and have led very different lives, and things change even more when different countries and cultures are involved.

Im far from narrow minded and i resent the implication. I find that quite offensive actually.

Not everyone thinks that law enforcement "officers" deserve such unquestioned, unconditional respect and though i am positive there are a few gems and genuine human beings in that "profession" the bad apples more than spoil the good.

Yeah you are right it does take a "special" kind of person to do that job but thats exactly the problem!
The kind of power hungry control freak who thinks its ok to look down on everyone else and speak to them like they are 5 years old (much like you just did to me) because they wear a uniform.

The kind of up-their-own-butt, snotty, arrogant a-holes and the two-faced, hypocritical system they work to uphold that puts a peadophile in jail for only several years but allows police officers who murder civilians due to their heavy handed actions to get away with it exactly the reason why i have zero respect for those types of people.

And im sure, no certain infact that anyone from the same walk of life as i will tell you the same and tell you that in order to get respect you have to EARN it first.

Now back on to the subject of the crash i will say again that the cop IS at fault, and this isnt a matter of opinion either.
The set was CLOSED OFF for a reason, and like i said what if there were actors or extras involved? That idiot cop could have killed 6 or 7 people with their wreckless driving!
There are certain protocals and procedures involved when dealing with a closed set like that, not only that but im sure that unit wasnt the ONLY one in town that could have dealt with whatever situation was at hand.
The cop should have called ahead and told the set manager that he needed to cut throguh. The set would have been closed down and the road cleared for the cop to blast through and all would have been fine.

You wouldnt expect a cop to cross a busy runway full of 747's taking off and landing to get to their destination, putting 100's of lives in danger in the process would you?

But im sure if one did and an accident happened the cop still wouldnt get the blame cos well...they're cops...they can do no wrong right? :rolleyes:

And yes i am WELL AWARE of the procedures for dealing with emergency vehicles when driving thank you very much.

Do you REALLY believe that?

You're right, people do need to earn respect, and that should be handled on a case by case basis.. wait.. didn't i say that already?
You sure you've got me man.

BY AMERICAN TRAFFIC LAWS ( not sure how that works in the uk, so i'll be specific)

The extra is at fault. He's the one who went speeding out into traffic without first looking/and or ran a stop sign. It's as simple as that. i'm sorry, if you've had some bad experiences with police in your past, but it's probably best if you showed some of that "open-mindedness" you're claiming and accept that not all cops are bad. I never said all were good, but generally speaking, i tend to give someone in a position of authority a mote of respect, until they prove they don't deserve it, or deserve more. For the record, this is how i try to deal with everyone.

as for being a closed set, do we know that? The guy filming it, seeing as how he uploaded it to youtube is most likely just some guy who was passing by, and saw it.

as an added thought, you're right, it takes a special person to become a cop, because they KNOW they get no respect and are often times treated like dirt by the public they serve.

you see respect is one of those things that is earned, like you said, and a few bad apples due tend to spoil the bunch.

TRY treating a cop with a little respect next time you need to deal with one, you might be surprised how you get treated in return. A few polite, Yes sir , hello sir, etc. tends to go a LONG way.
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They are filming a scene where Bumblebee is supposed to come flying around the corner {on a movie set (which has things like this covered in such arrangements as the areas are secured by police officers, etc)}, how is the driver supposed to anticipate a vehicle driving through? And in the wrong direction? What if the officer smashed head on into Prime, or hit any crew? There was a miscommunication on someones part and luckily no one was killed. Not the camaro drivers fault at all.
I love to see TFA homages, but I'm a little disappointed in Lugnut. His waist is too small, and I think he is a little too blocky.
The extra is at fault. He's the one who went speeding out into traffic without first looking/and or ran a stop sign. It's as simple as that.

Actually, the cop IS at fault. It's a closed off set with a barricade but he went right on through while other cops tried to warn him, but he had his radio on the wrong frequency. He definitely ____ed up.

But Dub, take it easy man. Of course there are rotten apples and morons, but that doesn't take away that there are a lot of good cops as well. To hate the lot of them is a bit unreasonable. :dunno
Actually, the cop IS at fault. It's a closed off set with a barricade but he went right on through while other cops tried to warn him, but he had his radio on the wrong frequency. He definitely ____ed up.

But Dub, take it easy man. Of course there are rotten apples and morons, but that doesn't take away that there are a lot of good cops as well. To hate the lot of them is a bit unreasonable. :dunno

I didnt say i hated all of them, i did state that im aware that there are some truly amazing people in that profession but in my experiance (and in this country at least, especially after recent events) the majority of them are...for lack of a better term that i cant use on this site due to idiotic censorship... *********s.

Hehe, i just used the term "*********s" in a serious context :slap :lol

As for calling them "sir" and all that rubbish, in this country you have to be knighted by the queen to become a "sir", so unless that is the case i will NEVER refer to any kind of "authority" figure as "sir". They dont deserve it for one, and two they are just normal people like you and me they just happen to have a pair of handcuffs on them.
Maybe you ought to be a little less sheepish and scared of your government and law enforcement, Lerath, and in my experiance whenever someone keeps calling a cop "sir" they likely have something to hide.

And just to back up my statements if anyone is interested, heres an easy example of why i hate most cops:

Anyway back onto tf's, did people see the rumor that the tanker truck on the tf3 set is actually

I can dig him with that alt mode i guess. I would rather him be a tank but as long as the robot mode is badass then i can see this alt mode growing on me, and the toy should rock! (it'll need painting though as hasbro will likely not botehr to weather him properly.)
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____. YES.






The Takara version of Lugnut looks kickass, but I'm not sure which I like, this or the Hasbro version. The extra purple is nice, but I like the more military colorscheme of the Hasbro version as well. Especially if it looks as good as I think it will without the photoshop effect.
