Then you simply don't know. Due to the writer's strike, Revenge of the Fallen's script was written in just a few short weeks, and had to be constructed around locations and setpieces that were already in place (those things all have to be ready long before shooting begins). Dark of the Moon's script had a good 8 months to be written, and the locations, setpieces and characters were determined based on that script (as opposed to doing it backwards).
Very well put my man.
And how do you "know' all these opinions?
Come on, I know how well respected you are in the TF community but that's really ignorant for someone to say. B*tch about the movie when it's released, not when you've seen about 3min TOTAL of screen footage.
It still boggles my mind why he is "so respected", especially after statements like that where he's basically ripping on the very thing that he makes a living off of. B*tching about the very thing thats gonna bring in most of his income this summer. Yeah, classy.