Allosaurus VS Camarasaurus Diorama

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Most reconstructions I've seen put the Allosaurus at around 30 feet in length, which would make it closer to half the length of a typical Camarasaurus. As much as I love Marshall's rendering, it looks to me like they're grabbing a youngling that was separated from its herd.
Even it costs WILL be mine !

I wonder how large it will be ? twice the size of a regular VS Dio ?

If it's too small it won't look right. :/

For a Stego...VS with a Ceratosaurus !

The Deinosuchus dio is priced accordingly with the other dio, and from what I've heard, it's positively HUGE... and quite a beauty. We'll find out a price tsge in 2 weeks' time, but I think I can speak for several of us here when I say price is truly not an issue for this diorama. :D

Whoa...Whoa:horror Let's not get carried away with a $500 price tag here. For that type of cash, I'd rather pitch in the extra $150 and get the Studio Oxmox T-Rex Diorama 1:10 scale for $650. This Allo vs Cam needs to be huge for me to consider the $500 price tag. BTW, here's that link::D
By the way Dyscrasia, where'd you find that photo of Kinto's awesome new Allosaurus? I couldn't find it on their retailer section (what a surprise, lol).
If the Allos are relatively in scale with the Rex in the VS. dio, then this piece will be just huge. Unless they went the route of a juvie Carmarasaur, which I'd be okay with. I'd also like to see the Carmarasaur skull as the exclusive, but am guessing it'll be the Allosaur.
Most reconstructions I've seen put the Allosaurus at around 30 feet in length, which would make it closer to half the length of a typical Camarasaurus. As much as I love Marshall's rendering, it looks to me like they're grabbing a youngling that was separated from its herd.

That's a good possibility or a sub quick search says 60 feet for the Safari pieces are really close. I had said before I hoped the Allos were at least 17-19 " long so that would make the Camara about 36-40"...just my hopes here nothing official..but that would def be impressive and worthy of me dropping a 400.00 or so price tag.

The Allos actually doing the attacking in that image are younger specimens themselves..with the adult coming up behind..if this new piece is two adult Allos and an adult Camarasaur then it should really be HUGE.

Any word on who the sculptor is ? It doesn't look to be Taboada this time.

Whoa...Whoa:horror Let's not get carried away with a $500 price tag here. For that type of cash, I'd rather pitch in the extra $150 and get the Studio Oxmox T-Rex Diorama 1:10 scale for $650. This Allo vs Cam needs to be huge for me to consider the $500 price tag. BTW, here's that link::D

See above. Also the SS pieces are a bit more scientifically accurate than the OXMOX Rex VS Deinonychs...but it's till an awesome piece for sure..but Allos are my favs along with the fact I'm collecting all the pieces in this line sways me toward the SS Dinos.

If the Allos are relatively in scale with the Rex in the VS. dio, then this piece will be just huge. Unless they went the route of a juvie Carmarasaur, which I'd be okay with. I'd also like to see the Carmarasaur skull as the exclusive, but am guessing it'll be the Allosaur.

The Camara can be a juvenile..that wouldn't bother me at all. My only hope for the Camara really is that it's mouth is open.. either bellowing screaming, or turning to bite at it's attackers. I think I see water o nthe base in that one small pic..maybe it will be submerged a little bit. The exclusive has always been a small part of the pieces to me...and I've never bought them...if it does turn out to be a good sized Allo skull though I may be in trouble.. ;)
I think ol' Rexy was the only Sideshow dinosaur to have a closed mouth. Took a lot of flak for it, but if anyone can get away with it, it's Rex. Probably safe to assume this sauropod will be screaming his poor head off.
That's a good possibility or a sub quick search says 60 feet for the Safari pieces are really close. I had said before I hoped the Allos were at least 17-19 " long so that would make the Camara about 36-40"...just my hopes here nothing official..but that would def be impressive and worthy of me dropping a 400.00 or so price tag.

See above. Also the SS pieces are a bit more scientifically accurate than the OXMOX Rex VS Deinonychs...but it's till an awesome piece for sure..but Allos are my favs along with the fact I'm collecting all the pieces in this line sways me toward the SS Dinos.

Yes, at that size (boldfaced) it would be impressive and I certainly would drop the $400.

I hope you understand that the majority of us collectors buying Dinosauria are not in the same chosen field as you, Dan and Scar. What may not be "scientifically accurate" to you looks good to me.:D Again, nothing personal because I have lots of respect for guys like you who know their stuff, but quite frankly it's just techno-babble to me. Sometimes a dinosaur is just a dinosaur..... which I grew up on as a kid.:D:duff
so how big is the vs rex dio in compariosn to the maquettes? i don't have mine yet. i'm worried i'm gonna run out of room for these guys really quick.
By the way Dyscrasia, where'd you find that photo of Kinto's awesome new Allosaurus? I couldn't find it on their retailer section (what a surprise, lol).

It's from Kinto's official website

The site is in Japanese though (I can read and speak in Japanese, even though not so fluently)...

I'm considering of getting those Anatomy models, especially the T. rex and Triceratops...




Hm, those "anatomy models" are clearly stolen ideas from 4D:


It's too bad they don't update their English site at the same time as their Japanese site - it looks like they've been doing a lot of cool stuff for the coming year.
so how big is the vs rex dio in compariosn to the maquettes? i don't have mine yet. i'm worried i'm gonna run out of room for these guys really quick.

There should be plenty of pics somewhere around here showing comparison's between them... ?

The Rex I think is around 18-19" if stretched out. The Rex maquette is about 23...26-28" if stretched out as well..but a bit more..robust than the VS Dio.

Space is my current issue and I'm selling off things making room for them..this line will be the flagship of my dinosaur collection.
Oh, they're the same product? LoL. That explains it, then. The different colors in the other stock photos kind of threw me.
so how big is the vs rex dio in compariosn to the maquettes? i don't have mine yet. i'm worried i'm gonna run out of room for these guys really quick.

The photo quality sucks (and the pic was taken quite some time ago) but I hope this helps...








btw, I'm still waiting for my Styracosaurus maquette....:banghead
I'm glad that I received both of my Dinosauria ornaments early this month though...
Wow, an Allosaurus and a sauropod! I want this one more than the Deinosuchus/Para. dio. I can live with a smaller scale, as long as the price is appropriate. This was a good call by Sideshow to keep the line interesting. Still waiting for a Stego!