Alternate PF Buffy Pics

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Do you reckon shes got the whole dress underneath?
i mean, if we took the leather trousers off, would she have the whole dress and boots on?
I don't believe the entire dress is on her. Furthermore the rest of her boots that do not show because of her pants are not sculpted on. So you would have a pretty ugly figure if you removed the red pants.

As far as some people loving her and some not, I can just personally say she looked bad to me. Her eyebrows killed the likeness and her clothes didn't fit well. I should have taken some good pictures so you guys could have made up your minds for yourself though. There is always a next time. :)
I took some pictures earlier today. My figure is in pretty good condition, but she has a little glue spot beside the left eye and a small divot in the bridge of the nose. These defects aren't noticeable unless you get really close.

I'm still not sure whether I'll keep the figure. I honestly don't think it's worth $250. I have the feeling that this statue will be selling on eBay for $100 to $150 in the future. Nevertheless, it's the best statue of the character Buffy so far in my opinion.





Thank you for the pictures. Most of her looks pretty good....except for the eyebrows. In person they seem even more prominent to me. Nice statue but I just couldn't keep her.
No problem, Lior =)

Your pictures make her colors look a lot richer, did you play with your images at all? What do you think about her ponytail?

Yes, I did. I used the AutoContrast feature in Photoshop. I think the colors are fairly accurate though. If I wouldn't have used AutoContrast, the pics would have been too dark because my room doesn't get much light. Plus, the figure is inside a display cabinet, which further decreases the amount of light reaching the figure.

I haven't taken a good look at the ponytail to be honest, but it doesn't bother me at first glance.
Really? I guess I might be the one of the few bothered by those huge eyebrows. I don't mean to pound the issue dead but am I just getting pickier? :lol

These bugged me at first but I can definitely overlook it.:D
Really? I guess I might be the one of the few bothered by those huge eyebrows. I don't mean to pound the issue dead but am I just getting pickier? :lol

I can definitely see your point, but I think the overall presentation makes up for it. Maybe for some of us, it's a case of the whole being more than the sum of the parts. They eyebrows alone aren't gorgeous, and neither are the pants, but when I look at the pictures of the whole piece, it is still gorgeous.
thanks for the pics BillyBud. however, i do see what Rory is referring to regarding her eyebrows. they do seem a bit noticeable. overall it looks good though. as for touching up the colors a bit.. i tend to stay away from doing too much post processing. just a little sharpening, white balance correction, and resizing for the web is all i do.
This came in yesterday but I didn't have time to inspect it until today. First, some close-up pictures that might help someone still on the fence.

First, with flash:

Without flash:




I'd honestly forgotten I still had this one on order from SS. I'd been waffling about canceling it and trying to get it cheaper from a third party and it just slipped my mind. Doesn't matter, cause it's going back. If I ever get a chance to get one super-cheap, I would just to repaint it and possibly try retailoring or redressing it.

Eyebrows are a problem to me, too, along with the poor tailoring on the trou, so you're not alone on that, Rory. The eyes are much better on this version than the original (no lazy eye), but the crazy long eyelashes seem lower on the lids than the first one, so her eyes really look half-lidded and sleepy. Still, I probably would've kept it if those were the only problems (big problem was a gouge on the right breast parallel to the cleavage, among other smaller things). But since it's going back for the damaged parts anyway, I've asked for a refund instead of a replacement. It'll be the only SSC Buffy product (aside from the Tooned up Buffy) I won't have. That'll feel weird.
You guys are welcome for the pics. I think I'm going to keep the figure (not that you care). As I said, I don't think it's the definitive representation of Buffy, but I think it's the best statue of the character so far.

As far as making adjustments to photos go, I agree that it's best to leave them alone, except for cropping and resizing. I wasn't trying to misrepresent the figure or anything of the sort. I just usually use the AutoContrast feature to compensate for the dullness of my photos due to poor lighting. I know that some of you guys over at StatueForum are splendid photographers. I'm not. Oh well.
BillyBud, your pictures came out really well. they look quite natural actually. i didn't think they were touched up at all.
Blinky, your photos show what I saw in person. Those eyebrows are out of control. :lol

Billybudd, don't worry about your photos- I think they look great. I just was asking if they had been touched up because I like to keep learning about photography and your colors came out very vivid. :)
To me this IS BUFFY. I much prefer her to the pancake hair first edition. I think she looks great, the eyebrows are a bit wacky but its still obviously Sarah Michelle Gellar, I love the likness!

The eyebrows and the hair color are absolutely atrocious. At least they got the eyes right this time, no lazy eye. You should never ever not ever have to re-paint a premium format figure.
The eyebrows and the hair color are absolutely atrocious. At least they got the eyes right this time, no lazy eye. You should never ever not ever have to re-paint a premium format figure.

I agree with this statement. Premium formats should come ready to display and this statue lacked in many aspects to me. I think SMG would laugh at those eyebrows they gave her....they are just hideous. :monkey1