Super Freak
Blah blah blah blah blah. YOU ruined this thread.
There's a little boy at my school who tells me that almost everyday.
That was for the chocolate milk comment by the way.
There is something to pity for any child that feels the only way out is to take their own life. We're not talking about you or I with the ability to make true adult decisions but a child. This is a sad situation all the way around. Suicide is a lame way out but when it's a child you can't look at it the same way as you do when it's an adult like I said. As someone who has chosen working with kids as their profession it breaks my heart that she felt this was her only option. Everyone around her should be ashamed of themselves for failing her and my disgust falls with them. Not feeling any pity for the child is pretty heartless.
Blah blah blah blah blah. YOU ruined this thread.
There is something to pity for any child that feels the only way out is to take their own life. We're not talking about you or I with the ability to make true adult decisions but a child. This is a sad situation all the way around. Suicide is a lame way out but when it's a child you can't look at it the same way as you do when it's an adult like I said. As someone who has chosen working with kids as their profession it breaks my heart that she felt this was her only option. Everyone around her should be ashamed of themselves for failing her and my disgust falls with them. Not feeling any pity for the child is pretty heartless.
just right now I am seeing people still making fun of her on facebook,
a lot of people saying the same thing Wofford was saying,
that if she could not handle the bullying and had to kill herself she was not strong enough, that they feel no sympathy for her
and maybe didn't deserve to live in the first place, some people are even saying that she should have died sooner,
like I don't understand, why are people so hateful about someone they don't even know, and it's not like this girl killed a bunch of puppies or anything, how is she the bad guy in this, I dont get it.
And the immaturity and cowardice just keep going and going...
I see people die almost every single day I work, I have clients my heart breaks for and others I feel nothing for. You can call me heartless but I stand by my statement and I'm unashamed to do so. I'll pity her failed surroundings and her plight, I feel no sorrow for her ultimate decision.
I see people die almost every single day I work, I have clients my heart breaks for and others I feel nothing for. You can call me heartless but I stand by my statement and I'm unashamed to do so. I'll pity her failed surroundings and her plight, I feel no sorrow for her ultimate decision.
If I were to give you some money from out of my wallet, would that help ease the pain?
In the end, her story is a prime example, that once something gets out on the Internet (nude pics in this case), it stays there forever, and it's impossible to escape it. Kids in high school are also cruel to no end. Hopefully, other parents can take a lesson from this and become more involved in monitoring the online activities of their children.
I see people die almost every single day I work, I have clients my heart breaks for and others I feel nothing for. You can call me heartless but I stand by my statement and I'm unashamed to do so. I'll pity her failed surroundings and her plight, I feel no sorrow for her ultimate decision.
OOP! The record just skipped!![]()
Just asking, but Why?
She obviously felt there was no other escape from the constant hate directed at her, that this action was the only way possible to end it.
If you were in her exact place what would be your sollution to escape the hate?
That's fine stand by it. If you can look at yourself in the mirror then that's cool. Loss of respect by some schmuck like me over the Internet won't be a big deal, but its sad you'll be passing these values on to another generation.![]()
Doubt the record will be changed though.![]()
Because the capacity is there to choose. At 15 you know the difference between life and death. She knew that if she takes her life she would cease to exist. I absolutely think its pitiable what happened to her but in the end no one made that ultimate decision for her.
If I were in her place there is no telling how I'd react because everyone responds to stress differently, I can tell you from experience I've seen people choose life through far worse and I've seen people choose death for far less than what this girl went through so no one's the same, but that capacity to choose was the same for all and if you are mentally competent to know what life and death mean I will not pity your decision to choose.
Because the capacity is there to choose. At 15 you know the difference between life and death. She knew that if she takes her life she would cease to exist. I absolutely think its pitiable what happened to her but in the end no one made that ultimate decision for her.
If I were in her place there is no telling how I'd react because everyone responds to stress differently, I can tell you from experience I've seen people choose life through far worse and I've seen people choose death for far less than what this girl went through so no one's the same, but that capacity to choose was the same for all and if you are mentally competent to know what life and death mean I will not pity your decision to choose.
Proof Wofford knows what it's like to be a 15-year-old, prepubescent/hormonal girl.![]()
Doubt the record will be changed though.![]()
Sure it could. You could apologise for your blatantly sexist and cowardly attack on me and then I would stop.