Insufferable S.O.B.
Yea, I rolled at that cab scene. 

I've seen none of this, but learned Ian McShane is involved, without spoiling anything can someone elaborate on his role, is he a central character?
Loved Ian McShane in the role of Santa....
My prediction
Some will like it and others will hate it. Those that hate it will be much more vocal in their displeasure than those who liked it.
So none of the story we watched actually happened? Doesn't that mean Kit goes down for the murders, Bloody Face is still active, the experiments still go on, and the demon still possesses the nun? No one turns out ok but Lana...
Uh... what? Why do you think that?
For me, I thought it was such a satisfying finale. I never thought AHS would actually make me tear up a little.
Lana Winters, Kit and Jude were definitely some amazing characters and I thought the various ends of their stories here were great.
What was the last scene with Jude and Lana about? Wasn't it the same as the first episode, but instead of pursuing the story Lana decides to leave? I may have misinterpreted it.
What was the last scene with Jude and Lana about? Wasn't it the same as the first episode, but instead of pursuing the story Lana decides to leave? I may have misinterpreted it.
Lana did leave after she first visited Briarcliff, remember? She left and someone told her about the secret tunnel and that's how she got caught, since she came back at night. It was just showing that the conversation at the beginning of the season foreshadowed what happened later
That's how I remembered it! That's why I thought the ending was just sort of a book end thematically. But it had been a long time since I'd seen the first episode.
I read somewhere today that Sarah Paulson has agreed to be in the next season. I wonder what other actors we will see again.