Of course it is fair but ____ that. I want Spike and Angel to be badasses.
Yes! Excellent news. I was really afraid they were just going to do the ladies in this line. Glad to know the Buffyverse guys will be getting some love, too. I only hope this line goes on long enough to get Giles and Xander, too. Or, dare I hope, Wesley and Gunn.
I hope Sideshow realizes how bad we want Illyria and add her to the line. They have to. We WILL buy her, guys!!!
I'm glad Angel will be released. I hope that guarantees a Spike maquette (even though we've had him in any possible size and form).
I hope Sideshow realizes how bad we want Illyria and add her to the line. They have to. We WILL buy her, guys!!!
I'm glad Angel will be released. I hope that guarantees a Spike maquette (even though we've had him in any possible size and form).
a great Illyria maquette should be sold out quickly !
I really hope they will give us Xander and Giles to complete the Scooby gang core with Buffy and Willow.
After Angel and Spike, I definitely want a Giles.![]()
Hmm... so do I sell my Angel PF before or after the maquette reveal...?
Hmm... so do I sell my Angel PF before or after the maquette reveal...?
Um, neither. I wouldn't sell it at all. Mine is staying right here with me.
Um, neither. I wouldn't sell it at all. Mine is staying right here with me.
Good point! What was I thinking?
... Unless of course the maquette turns out "OMG I have got to have this and would sell my own kidney to own one!" Then I may revisit selling him... or my kidney. Depends on which is selling for more on Ebay at the time.![]()
I still need to get the ex at some point because his human face is meh, but I got mine uber cheap.