Are these hard to find in Brazil?
Pretty much. I always buy my statues on ebay cause is hard the brazilian stores get this statues. And the price is too high.
Are these hard to find in Brazil?
Faith is cleary too big, the scale is off with her, as well as Willow and Buffy, but you can't tell with Buffy because she's sitting in a chair.
I think Angel is best suited next to Spike because he's crouching, so they seem more in scale.
My final flexpay payment goes through this week
Sad to say goodbye to the Buffy line, now there's nothing on the horizon at all from SS for me.
Yeah, I know another obsession lol.
Have you bought anything WH13 related from them?
Goodluck aquiring them
I remember when one of the Tesla's from the show was sold at auction a couple of years ago, I think it went for over 4K - bit out of my price range
I'd love it if they did a Claudia pimped up Farnsworth
I have a good feeling I'll acquire the Tesla within the next little bit here. After that, the Farnsworth is on my radar.
I'm sorry, what? lol. $1200.
I sure do hope so, yes.
I saw this at my LCS yesterday... they wanted $375 for it!!!
Yeah, this isn't working. Trouble is, I can't see how this could possibly work. I got it down into the peg as far as it would go (struggled with it, even), there's no gap between the gargoyle's torso and the base, and yet it hovers!
To prove I'm not grossly incompetent:
See? No gap. Then turn it to the front...
I feel a little nuts.