With so many missing out and perhaps even losing money, not sure if we're supposed to post these pics here anymore, but I finally - after like 2 years - finished this helmet. It was a total pain to do this - way, way too much sanding and painting - but I'm reasonably happy with how it came out. The decals worked out quite well
This is an ESB style helmet with the black mouth because it's going in my Bespin set-up, though I just noticed that for some reason I painted the chin vent as ANH style so will need to tweak that. I was kind of running out of patience.
The eyes are just black paint with several layers of clear green gloss over it. For those considering cutting out the eye holes and putting real dark green lenses behind, just black plus clear green does give pretty much indistinguishable effect. And btw, I did leave a couple of tiny areas of white inside the lenses deliberately.
Also, I swapped out the ANH shoulder bells for the HT ROTJ versions (which are closer to the ESB style) and used some HT ROTJ hands (which have the ESB hand armor) and also did both a left and right grip set of hands because it's during ESB that they started to dump the "left grip only" rule for stormies.
The chest armor is supposed to ride much higher in ESB (like where there's no black visible in the neck area from the front) but I just ran out of attention span with this one - I may tweak that later. It requires pulling some of the armor off (due to overlapping elastic straps) to adjust the placement and it was hard enough just swapping out the shoulder bells.