ANH environment ideas

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Super Freak
Jan 23, 2006
Reaction score
South Jersey
I think we can all agree that this is going to be a heavy Episode IV year which got me thinking of possible environments.

1) Cantina.
Positives: It would be spectacular.
Negatives: It would be huge and it would require alot of background characters to populate it.

2)Death Star corridor.
Positives: It would be very versatile for the core characters, wouldn't be too large, and could easily sit at the back of a sheld and look very impressive without taking up display space.
Negatives: Limited to characters that appeared on the death star.

3) Tatooine farm or ambush site:
Positives: Impressive and exotic looking environment.
Negaitves: Limited to the droids Luke, Ben and Tusken raiders or Owen and co which might take awhile to be made.

4) Tantive IV corridor.
Positives: Would be most impressive for the inevitable Vader and stormtroopers and could double for the Obi Wan-Yoda-Bail scene from Episode III.
Negatives: Only one action scene you could stage there.

Anybody else have any ideas?
After finally getting the whole Jabba setup, I can't imagine where I would put another big diorama piece. :google

The trash compactor would be kinda cool, and there's aready one figure on the way to go with it.
with the chess set in the pipe line, it would seem like SS is producing the falcon interior, otherwise it looks pretty silly to just have the chest set and no one can sit around it and play chess. but then again, SS has not produced any figure that relates to that particular scene. chewie, luke, c3po, r2, who knows. Personally I would be down for the carbonite freezing chamber from ESB
Anzik Hayes said:
I think we can all agree that this is going to be a heavy Episode IV year which got me thinking of possible environments.

2)Death Star corridor.
Positives: It would be very versatile for the core characters, wouldn't be too large, and could easily sit at the back of a sheld and look very impressive without taking up display space.
Negatives: Limited to characters that appeared on the death star.

That's the only one I would pay for and want, lot’s of display possibilities, could be used to display ANH Luke, Han, Chewie, Leia, R2, 3PO and of course Obi/Vader final duel!
I'm not sure how I would place an actual "corridor" on display... all I'd really like is a wall with those lights... but then you lose that great ceiling.
How about a Falcon ****pit? Complete with working lights, swivel chairs, head sets, dice(like ANH) . I would buy that in an instant! You could make the cover canopy removable, so you could display it either external or internal view. Wouldn't that be sweet? Hey Dusty, are you guys hiring the marketing/creative dept.? :D
The Falcon ****pit would be the best. I think they should do it at least to the door.

Then they could release the area where luke trains and the droids and chewie play chess. Then they could make a generic hallway. Ohh and then they will need to make the gun turrets for Han and Luke and then this would be terribly expensive.
I'm still rooting for the Falcon Cokpit! Especially since it works on so many different levels.

This is the main reason I passed on Jabba. There are so many other potential environments and I'd never have room for them all. Here's hoping for a Carbon Freeze Chamber when they tackle Empire head on!
A lit carbon freezing chamber diaorama would be cool. You can use its mult-level platforms to display your SW figures.
gbtv01 said:
Oh man...I love the idea of the Tantive IV corridor.:emperor ...that would be AWESOME.

I plan on making this one... I could use it with Obi-Wan, Yoda and Bail Organa (if they make him)........... or I could use it for my Anakin to recreate that awesome promo picture



and don't forget the big one.................


I might make it in sections... door/wall/corner/panels so it can be configured to match the space available........ we'll see (once I've got everything else done lol)
I'd be happy with a lars homestead environment (much like the LOTR enviro's)
Some of the environments within star wars are iconic enough without the need to populate them.

I want the Imperial 501'st Commode environment where you can pose your trooper trying to take a dump with his armor on.