They should make a Sandtrooper helmet.
Get a RS Prop Masters.
They should make a Sandtrooper helmet.
The Vader lid arrived today, will report back dyer a get a chance to open it.
Are you guys displaying the Anovos with EFX LE or legend? Or the PCR?
I have the Anovos and the PCR. I was thinking I was going to return the Anovos, sell the PCR and pick up a Limeted. But the Anovos, while not accurate to the 10th degree is a really nice looking helmet now that I have it in hand. It displays so well in fact that I'm pretty sure I'm gonna keep it.
I will however be on the lookout for a nicely priced limited as well, and then display the PCR in my garage. So much for not enough space for two Vader lids.
Will get to picks today when I get a chance.