Ant-Man and the Wasp - July 6, 2018

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I actually watched Age of Ultron last night (riding that IW high, I really liked that flick). It's really not good. :lol

The action is great but the rest is meh.
Regarding this in relation to IW...

At first I thought it was dumb to release it after IW assuming that it takes place before. But I bet this movie ends around the same time IW ends, ie. people turning to dust. Hence why it wasn’t released before.

Just a theory:wink1:
IDK... an ant playing the drums...?

I’ll take that over Pena I wasn’t a fan of his horrible humor in AM1 and unfortunately for me it looks like that will be the case for me again. I just think the humor feels forced and his delivery is pretty bad.

Otherwise movie looks great.

Now I wonder if this movie connectes with IW by having Antman and Hawkeye going on a mission and who’s to say it’s not a mission in the quantum realm.

My money is on Hawkeye being in this all in relation to IW.
My money is on Hawkeye being in this all in relation to IW as will CM.

Hawkeye probably shows up in an end credit sequence and says: Ant-Man, we've a got a big problem.

This movie must take place in the past, clearly. Another likely end credit bit is Ant-Man walking outside his home to see Ebony Maw's ship flying down. Or getting a call from Nick Fury to: "Stay where you are, I'm coming to you."

Or maybe at the end he'll just turn to ash... and all the kiddies in the audience will cry again, double trauma.
this looks really amazing. i loved that trailer. it looks like so much fun

Wasp is amazing to see too. very graceful.
Interesting that the villain is the lady from Ready Player one (I havent seen her in anything else)
Hmm looks like I'm in the minority because I thought that trailer just looked "okay."

I’m just really basing it compared to the first movie and honestly anything after IW is going to look just ok lol

I do think some of the wire work looks stiff and I absolutely couldn’t understand what Pena was saying and the humor seemed really bad in that trailer.

But some of the size changes looked like lots of fun so lets see.

But honestly lets be real here IW2 trailer when!
I’m just really basing it compared to the first movie and honestly anything after IW is going to look just ok lol

I do think some of the wire work looks stiff and I absolutely couldn’t understand what Pena was saying and the humor seemed really bad in that trailer.

But some of the size changes looked like lots of fun so lets see.

But honestly IW2 trailer when!

Probably not until end of the year or next year :lol
Trailer makes this look like a fun excursion, which would be a good thing in the wake of Infinity War. I just re-watched the original a couple of days back (first time since seeing it at the theater), and enjoyed the heck out of it. I was trying to imagine Lily as the leader of the Avengers (Wasp periodically was in the comics), and I can actually, easily see it. . .

About a month back I finished reading the Masters of Evil vs. the Avengers story from the mid-80s, right before Dr. Druid joined the team, and Wasp leading the team led to a very different kind of story than you would have had in other situations.

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