Super Freak
hmmm... just ran into this interview with Emma Stone:
Emma Stone: It was pretty crazy, I mean, it takes a while to film. It takes like a week, so you’re sort of, you know, all the different parts of it. But we shot it out of sequence, so I actually croaked before I croaked, if that makes any sense. Like a frog. I’m not talking about death, I’m talking about frog noises. Just kidding. So I had to do the death scene and my last day actually on the movie was Dane holding me as the Goblin about to drop me. So that was probably the most emotional part. Just because it was—I was about to fall and I also knew it was my last day and my last time working with these people…
Screen Rant: Is it [you're last time working with these people]?
ES: I don’t know… is it?
SR: Is it?
ES: There could be a—I don’t know, there’s a whole plotline that could happen that may bring her back.
Read more at Emma Stone talks Gwen Stacy & appearing in future Spider-Man movies - Movie News |
Clones, Carnage, blah blah blah... WE WANT SPIDERGWEN, WE WANT SPIDERGWEN
Emma Stone: It was pretty crazy, I mean, it takes a while to film. It takes like a week, so you’re sort of, you know, all the different parts of it. But we shot it out of sequence, so I actually croaked before I croaked, if that makes any sense. Like a frog. I’m not talking about death, I’m talking about frog noises. Just kidding. So I had to do the death scene and my last day actually on the movie was Dane holding me as the Goblin about to drop me. So that was probably the most emotional part. Just because it was—I was about to fall and I also knew it was my last day and my last time working with these people…
Screen Rant: Is it [you're last time working with these people]?
ES: I don’t know… is it?
SR: Is it?
ES: There could be a—I don’t know, there’s a whole plotline that could happen that may bring her back.
Read more at Emma Stone talks Gwen Stacy & appearing in future Spider-Man movies - Movie News |
Clones, Carnage, blah blah blah... WE WANT SPIDERGWEN, WE WANT SPIDERGWEN