Any word on an Ackbar 12"?

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I think it would be a cool character to add to the line-up. We need more Military figures.


Awesome!!! That's it, I'm starting a campaign!
The "Heroes of the Rebellion" line almost immediately lends itself to figures of Wedge Antilles and Ackbar. I wouldn't fear him coming too far down the line, its a quirky alien that SSC seems to love to do every few human figures.
In all seriousness. I too hope we get an Ackbar eventually. I do like the Hasbro version though. Its actually not that bad!

SSC has been pretty heavy on ROTJ. I wonder if that means Ackbar is closer or farther away.
I agree, the Hasbro version is pretty nice.

But while I also like the Admiral, I'd rather get at least a dozen other characters done before him. We need core characters done, like R2, 3PO, Chewie, Lando and OT Emperor on throne... ;)
I wonder how hard it would be to convert the Hasbro to a better body, because the head and fins/hands are great.
I wonder how hard it would be to convert the Hasbro to a better body, because the head and fins/hands are great.

I think it could be done onto a better Hasbro body, such as the one used for Dooku or ROTS Palps.

The vest is probably the part of the Hasbro version that most needs an improvement. Its kinda foamy. :D
...The vest is probably the part of the Hasbro version that most needs an improvement. Its kinda foamy. :D

That's what I was thinking too....otherwise, it's a fairly decent figure.
But...I thought that about Plo Koon too until we got Sideshow's version...and the Sideshow one blows the Hasbro effort away.

I'd really like to see Ackbar in the collection interesting sidenote...Sideshow and Gentle Giant seem to inadvertantly have similair characters on their release schedule sometimes...examples: Old Ben, ANH Leia, Jabba...and they are doing bust of Ackbar next year (and it looks pretty cool too)....not that there is anything to that really...just an observation...and a hope.