Yeah.. but at levels no one will ever be exposed to with amalgam fillings.
The OP is proof that that isn't true. If amalgam fillings didn't actually leak any mercury, he wouldn't have anything to be allergic to. He is proof that amalgam fillings leak mercury in significant amounts.
Amounts significant enough to harm human health. So he is ESPECIALLY susceptible. That doesn't mean that everyone else isn't being affected.
Just because you don't become conscious of any symptoms doesn't mean you aren't being poisoned. A lot of poisons are like that. A lot of diseases are like that. Just because you never noticed you had a disease developing doesn't mean that one day you had no disease and the day you went to your doctor and got a diagnosis you had one.
The OP proves that mercury leaks out of amalgam fillings, and mercury is known to be poisonous. That is all you need to know to realize that amalgam fillings are poisonous to people. How much you care about how much poison that is depends upon how much you care about your health.
If you knew enough, you would realize that there are a lot of things that you can't control that cause disease in the body, and so it is only smart to eliminate those things that you can, because they all ADD UP. Extend the logic.
Every toxin burdens the immune system. If you eliminate the toxins you can, you might have low enough toxicity so that you can handle all off the toxins you can't eliminate. In any case, your overall health will be better if you eliminate toxins you can. The first thing that low health causes is lack of energy, being more tired, being tired more easily. Is it just from aging or is it from toxins affecting your body over time?
Did you have as much energy and clarity after your first amalgam filling as you did before that filling? Did you just chalk up that change in energy to the passage of time and getting older? How would you know the difference? If you are 10, and you feel a bit less energy at 11, you might assume its because you are becoming more mature.
Bottom line, mercury isn't completely safe for anyone and if you care enough about your health, you will do what you can to reduce your exposure.
If you don't care about your health, you won't care and then when you do get disease, you will say doctor, fix me, fix me, when you could have avoided that disease by being healthy. Then when the doctor can't fix you, you say, it happens to everyone(all the people who treat their health like you do) and then you accept your condition. Maybe you demand that someone find a cure for a disease that you could have prevented, but didn't because you lacked the knowledge or willpower or self control. Maybe you accept your disease as normal and you get a lot of sympathy from others who think it's a bad break as if you did nothing to cause it, because they believe they do nothing to cause it, but one day it will probably happen to them, too.