A-Dev, no warning at all. In fact, if I paid full price what they usually go for I would have returned it in a heartbeat. Considering I got it for such a good deal, it would be hard for me to send it back for this reason alone. Everything else is perfect condition, just the god awful smell that hopefully I can fix.
Oh. I'm sure you'll be able to rid your figure of the cigarette smell but the seller should have warned you.
I'm selling stuff myself now and much to my annoyance and regret theres smoking in my house (not by me) which I've talked about in my FS thread. I've yet to determine whether my 2 buyers so far have detected any cigarette smell - they still haven't received the stuff yet so it would seem. I'm really curious about it - I didn't notice a smell off them but it could be I'm just used to it.