Anyone making the Captain America Shield Replica (Movie Version)?

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Just came back from Comic Con 2011. Museum Replicas is indeed making a Cap movie shield, but unfortunately it doesn't look that great. The rep told me this is a prototype, but isn't far off from the finished product. According to him they will be adjusting the blue to be darker and that's it. In my opinion, the shield doesn't do the movie version justice.

The red inner circle is too thick, compare to the poster behind it.
The biggest crime against the design is that the MR piece looks plastic whereas it should looked like brushed metal. It looks like a Hasbro accessory blown up.
yeah, it does look like a toy

i'm not sure why they have gone this route, which looks like a mold than, say, a spun metal shield

perhaps it's more cost effective but will many people actually buy this at this quality? i suppose it depends on the price, if it had the straps on the back i'd buy it just to rip them off if they price was low

MR win there i guess!
I was also surprised they displayed it next to the poster showing how it's supposed to look like. The rep told me the price would be in the range of $350. That's $350 too much if you ask me.
I contacted him the other day and unfortunately he said he's not taking anymore painted shield orders at this time. He hasn't decided if he'll do a third run yet. I should have acted sooner :(
Maybe a 3rd time's the charm because I also asked him the same thing the other day and probably at the same time you all did.
I know he's looking at improving the straps bow (not guaranteed), so maybe he's just holding off until he's sorted that out

I think he'll do a third run if interest is high enough

A lot of money in it for him!
Thor's Hammer looks TERRIBLE and the Shield is a few steps away from being decent. Make the shield smooth expect the raised star in the middle, reduce the thickness of the inner red circle, darker blue in the center and either make it out of steel or make it look like brushed steel and have an attempt at screen accurate straps in the back...
yeah, if they were able to give the paint that brushed steel look, it'd be perfect. its the thick paint that's making it look cheap right now
Damn! This thing just keeps looking more badass!!!! These were posted on Hype.

Original proto on the left, New Shield on the right.



I keep checking it out in the RPF!

The more I see it the more I can't wait to get my hands on it

There's a fella on there making the avengers cap helmet as well

I'm down for one of those also, it's a brilliant little prop