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Wait listed this a couple of hours ago, any chance of getting it converted? What's the conversion rates like these days?

Apocalypse has always been one of my all time favourite villains but sideshow's been killing it for me this year. So many pre-orders. Gawd I hope I get that second job. lol.
Wait listed this a couple of hours ago, any chance of getting it converted? What's the conversion rates like these days?

Apocalypse has always been one of my all time favourite villains but sideshow's been killing it for me this year. So many pre-orders. Gawd I hope I get that second job. lol.

I think you do. Although, I was talking with another member in a thread about conversions. Apparently, the Ex from the Green Lantern PF/comiquette had VERY minimal in 5ish minimal. :lol That's crazy! I'd like to think you're safe, and if I were a betting man, I'd say that you are. If there were to be ANY conversions, that's the position to be in. Hope it works out for you!
Wait listed this a couple of hours ago, any chance of getting it converted? What's the conversion rates like these days?

Apocalypse has always been one of my all time favourite villains but sideshow's been killing it for me this year. So many pre-orders. Gawd I hope I get that second job. lol.

I think you do. Although, I was talking with another member in a thread about conversions. Apparently, the Ex from the Green Lantern PF/comiquette had VERY minimal in 5ish minimal. :lol That's crazy! I'd like to think you're safe, and if I were a betting man, I'd say that you are. If there were to be ANY conversions, that's the position to be in. Hope it works out for you!

Agreed. Usually if you get on the waitlist early enough you got a real good shot of getting a conversion. As Chapter mentioned there are cases where that doesn't happen though. Being that this one carries a higher price tag I think there will be a few cancellations purely due to the lack of funds...because other than that there is no reason to miss out on this statue as SSC won't likely be making another one soon.
Yeah, it always surprises me when there's few cancellations on pieces with large edition sizes, but without fail, there's ALWAYS one that defies the odds.
I think you do. Although, I was talking with another member in a thread about conversions. Apparently, the Ex from the Green Lantern PF/comiquette had VERY minimal in 5ish minimal. :lol That's crazy! I'd like to think you're safe, and if I were a betting man, I'd say that you are. If there were to be ANY conversions, that's the position to be in. Hope it works out for you!

Agreed. Usually if you get on the waitlist early enough you got a real good shot of getting a conversion. As Chapter mentioned there are cases where that doesn't happen though. Being that this one carries a higher price tag I think there will be a few cancellations purely due to the lack of funds...because other than that there is no reason to miss out on this statue as SSC won't likely be making another one soon.

Yeah, it always surprises me when there's few cancellations on pieces with large edition sizes, but without fail, there's ALWAYS one that defies the odds.

Thanks for the input guys! Really appreciate it. Really hope I get it! Was kicking myself just now for not jumping on it earlier but had to calculate my funds first.
Thanks for the input guys! Really appreciate it. Really hope I get it! Was kicking myself just now for not jumping on it earlier but had to calculate my funds first.

At least you're on it now. And like I said, hope it works out for you. My advice is DON'T cancel that WL UNTIL either 1.) it converts or 2.) Sideshow closes the WL.

I've seen too people cancel to get a 'better deal' elsewhere and then that deal falls through and they're left with nothing. And I also wouldn't be surprise if months AFTER the piece is released that it converts. That seems to always miraculously happen as well.
I think you do. Although, I was talking with another member in a thread about conversions. Apparently, the Ex from the Green Lantern PF/comiquette had VERY minimal in 5ish minimal. :lol That's crazy! I'd like to think you're safe, and if I were a betting man, I'd say that you are. If there were to be ANY conversions, that's the position to be in. Hope it works out for you!

I was one of the rare GL EX conversations. However, I jumped on the WL literally about an hour after it sold out. I think his Apocalypse will convert. He jumped on the WL soon enough and the high price tag on this piece can easily cause some to cancel their orders. His chances should be very good.
I was one of the rare GL EX conversations. However, I jumped on the WL literally about an hour after it sold out. I think his Apocalypse will convert. He jumped on the WL soon enough and the high price tag on this piece can easily cause some to cancel their orders. His chances should be very good.

You were one of the chosen ones!!! :lol Congrats to you there.

And I agree. He got on it pretty darn soon, so I'd say his chances are more than favorable.
At $600 there will be conversions. With the way SS delays items, there tends to be months where things pile up. Next thing you know your getting charged for multiple items in a few weeks time. Some can't swing it when that happens.
At $600 there will be conversions. With the way SS delays items, there tends to be months where things pile up. Next thing you know your getting charged for multiple items in a few weeks time. Some can't swing it when that happens.

Yeah, I agree. That higher price tag is really going to come into play. Drop it another $200 and it's a whole new ball game. But as it, you're going to have some that need to make sacrifices with their POs.
At $600 there will be conversions. With the way SS delays items, there tends to be months where things pile up. Next thing you know your getting charged for multiple items in a few weeks time. Some can't swing it when that happens.

You are 100% correct. Economics will play are part in some conversions at the price tag this comes with. I flexed the ***** out of mine so NO ONE is getting my Apocalypse! This is one of those pieces that I want badly and I love the way it turned out. This and the Bats PF (out of my upcoming PO's) are going to have a permanent place in my collection.
You are 100% correct. Economics will play are part in some conversions at the price tag this comes with. I flexed the ***** out of mine so NO ONE is getting my Apocalypse! This is one of those pieces that I want badly and I love the way it turned out. This and the Bats PF (out of my upcoming PO's) are going to have a permanent place in my collection.

That Batman piece will be ridiculous to get a hold of down the road. Him and Supes will be what Hulk and Captain are now, I imagine.
I honestly don't think it'll be that hard to obtain..theres soooo many of them people will sell them on ebay..if ur willing to pay an extra 50-100 bucks, you can have it
I honestly don't think it'll be that hard to obtain..theres soooo many of them people will sell them on ebay..if ur willing to pay an extra 50-100 bucks, you can have it

I say give it a year, and it'll be creeping up the eBay ranks, in terms of price. I have a funny feeling. Could very well be wrong though. Initially, I agree. It would be too difficult.

in regards to batman that is…btw ANY news on a magneto pf??? him and apoc would look lovely

I haven't heard anything about it (from what I can remember), but he's definitely coming.
i remember when i first joined here i saw an old post from like 2010 and someone from SS said it'd be here max in 2 years..its now going on 2014 and NOTHING…to me its a tad depressing that we've seen emma frost, rogue, sabretooth (who i like) and others..before the main villain of x-men…the dc lineup has already had joker and bats within what their first 4/5 PF's? So whats going on with that wait you know? its been YEARS now and nothing..
i remember when i first joined here i saw an old post from like 2010 and someone from SS said it'd be here max in 2 years..its now going on 2014 and NOTHING…to me its a tad depressing that we've seen emma frost, rogue, sabretooth (who i like) and others..before the main villain of x-men…the dc lineup has already had joker and bats within what their first 4/5 PF's? So whats going on with that wait you know? its been YEARS now and nothing..

Oh, man. 'The Wait'....I feel your pain there. I've been waiting years for another piece to come out of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer line. (I'm a huge fan.) Every day I hope to hear something. I've emailed. I've called. And every time I call, I get a don't give up....So I haven't....And so I wait. :lol

The point is keep the faith!!!! :panic:
I'd love a Magnet PF...say sitting on the throne of Avalon. I'm kicking myself I didn't get the MadXcollector custom one as it will be hard to top.