I think there is no doubt that "ghosts", "demons", whatever you choose to call them exist. Sure, prolly not all of the things in tv shows are real, but to think all of the EVP's ever recorded are fake is ignorance imo, and it would be like calling everyone who has truly experienced something like ucsmhicks did a liar or that they exaggerated the whole story. The only ghost story I have is that I woke up one morning to a knock on the wall right by my bed, I just figured it was a rat in the wall or something, so I lied there in bed for a minute and I heard one big exhale across the room. No doubt in my mind it was something supernatural cause it happened again at a later time. It was clear as day. It didn't scare me because I was already a believer and to be honest, unless I'm being attacked or I fear for my statues being broken, supernatural stuff doesn't bother me.
I also believe that in some cases, truly evil spirits or demons get kicks and giggles out of scaring people and really feed off of that fear. Anytime you see one of those ghost recant shows like paranormal witness and such, you rarely ever see people hide their fear or get angry at supernatural entities, so it just continues to happen. Like a bully, if you continue to show fear, they keep coming. That's just a personal theory of mine, completely unproven as far as I know.