First of all, I must that every word of yours speak so much of how I felt about my collection. For me, I am so impressed with Weta work on LOTR that I have actually spend (quite) a fortune to complete their one and only other collaboration with SS - The Muppets! [P.S.]
I believe many of us have felt that they are cartoons, but they are really good and I paid tribute to all those favourite sculptors of mine who had so painstakingly bring about the busts in movie collectibles. These are especially true of the FOTR pieces.. Dwarven Lord bust, Gandalf the Grey bust. Collectors who have these pieces in white boxes, check the paint job again.. its really unbelievable!
Alice Adrenochrome said:
I'm wondering, with the hype of the movies far behind us, how do you feel about your Weta statues now? Do they still have the same value for you, emotionally and financially? Do you still marvel at them, from time to time?
Of course!!
Alice Adrenochrome said:
Are you still waiting on a opportunity to buy that one Weta piece you could never lay your hands on?
There is
this one piece which is far above my budget... somehow I felt that it is a like a life quest..
Alice Adrenochrome said:
Nearly all of my Weta pieces are still in their boxes, since I still haven't thought of a descent way to display them. That makes that I didn't see many of those pieces in person in a long time, even though they are stored away in my apartment. I'm still longing for the day to put them all on display, along with all the other collectibles I have. Which reminds me, I need a bigger house if I want to display all of that...
This is also my exact sentiments and situations, though recently I have some of them displayed already. I just wonder if my children will ever appreciate them as well as I do. Should it need to be preserved, it will take at least 3 generations..
I mean, if someone in the Tolkien's family has not been interested in what he wrote, do you think the first manuscript of his FOTR will still be retained? At that time, it is just a piece of scrap paper. Now, it is history. Not that it has any real value, like gold or diamond.. but
it is history
Should my descendents no wish to keep them, I will make a will to prevent them from being sold away. It will best be to be donated to a museum who wants to keep them. But with so many collectors around the world, I just wonder how "valuable" my entire collection might mean to anybody.
Its "true" value will always just remind in my heart - as well as my wife.
I believe (correct me if I am not wrong), there are but a few completists out there like myself - Alice? Frodo Eyes?
Perhaps we can share about how we want to display them one day... My idea is to dedicate an entire house to house them...and make a backdrop ... just a themed part (miniature version)...