I like the red. I just think they should make the gold that he does have stand out more. Especially the emblem on his chest. I'm sure Hurcules will be gold along with some of the other olympians. If they're all painted gold I think it might look kind of cheezy. His Roman name is Mars, so the color kind of goes with that whole thing. I sure they'll make a few adjustments to the paint, and when this thing is finished people who see this statue in hand will be amazed. I do think the exclusive head needs some work though. I think his hair line goes back too far. He's a god, he shouldn't look like he's going bald.

Maybe add some pupils to it, and have the mouth closed. Then it would show another aspect of the character. One where he's not in a god like rage, but a more calm I'm finished slaughtering these infidels kind of look.