what is the final height for this guy? SS site shows 24.5" tip of spear..or is it really 28" tip of spear? thanks for the help!
anyone know the details?
what is the final height for this guy? SS site shows 24.5" tip of spear..or is it really 28" tip of spear? thanks for the help!
Can the helmet come off?
No, but the Ex comes with an alternate head that's not wearing a helmet.
No, but the Ex comes with an alternate head that's not wearing a helmet.
Last week SS notified me that I was supposed to be charged for my final payment yesterday for Ares but I didn't get a notice or anything. My status has been "shipping soon" for a week now and in SS's latest newsletter it said Ares, Conan, etc were shipping now.
anyone received this yet? i need to know the final height for this piece..bottom to the top of the spear..thanks!
Not yet, mine was supposed to be shipped out last week from SS. I'm hoping this week I should get a notice...
Hello ! What happens with Ares The God of War? I do not understand anything!On Sideshow Collectibles website initially said it expected to arrive in stock in August, has already been delayed by two months, we are in October and is still on the waiting list
!!! I'm disappointed!
PS: This (very soon) already do not inspire confidence for me .They ( Arh Studios) have a big problem with the delivery! This is the first time I preorder a statue from this company ( ARH STUDIOS) and they have many problems. I hope by Christmas to be in stock this statue. It is extremely ridiculous this situation.Sideshow remains a world leader unlike the ones from ARH STUDIOS.
I don't want that you to be angry Averone . I do not know maybe it's normal for them to delay many months (those responsible in China), but it is unacceptable to delay many months. Maybe it was enough to be penalized and they would not be delayed any second! Best regards averone !