u did?. lol olright then my mistake. any idea what the es for fury achilles?
This is the only thread I can find related to the 1/4 Achilles, but since you said earlier the site is not working do I have to do some kind of downpayment for Achilles Battle Fury too?
Been out of collecting for near-on a year, got back snooping around a few weeks ago, just in time for Medusa. R., When i got the reg. King
Leo, a week later the B.Rage ES 40 version came out, so yes, I had to get it ( u gotta stop doing that ARH)
This Achilles looks the perfect comparre for KL and I'll probly get it
Does the Fury version come with the sword as well, and would also be interested in the ES
The vid Arahom is doing soon
Any chance he's thinking about getting a family portrait of the 3 together ( Achilles Fury, Leonidis and Medusa R.)
Might give me a warm fuzzy feelin
Any progress with AP?
Will you give us an update when the next 5 are shipped?