Re: ARH is moving up! ARH new releases!
Guys we are doing our best to help you get this!
Here is the latest Update:
Medusa AP will go up for pre-order on August 3rd at 9:00 AM (Mountain Time)
We decided to divide payment in two parts, so on August 3rd you just need a down payment of 50% ($300) and the balance only when the statue is reay to ship in September.
The down payment is NON-REFUNDABLE
In case someone cannot pay the remaining $300 when the APs are ready, we will guarantee a Medusa statue to you whenever the balance is paid, but we CANNOT guarantee it will be an AP, so you don't lose your money, but I will not be able to hold an AP after the scheduled shipping date!
I'm not sure if I explain that well enough, so if you have any questions about it please post it here on this thread!
Also, we will guarantee a flat rate shipping on international orders for this piece IF (and only if) shipping from China.
For US buyers the shipping cost is a flat rate of $50 USD
For all other international buyers (shipping FROM China) the shipping cost for this piece is $65 USD by regular mail.
In case anyone requests express shipping, we will charge at the time of shipping the correct amount of shipping.
So to make everything clear
1. A non-refundable down payment of 50% on August 3rd. ($300)
2. Shipping flat rate of $50 for US buyers and $65 for international buyers (if shipping from China)
3. Balance payment of remaining 50% and shipping costs are required once the statue is ready to ship in September
4. All Medusa AP will come with final box and Styrofoam.
5. All Medusa AP will come with the EX bonus (a Medusa name plate)