Okay I take back what I said. Those look pretty boss. Is that the QotV? She looks awesome
Sent from the Cockpit of the Millenium Falcon
I own the older Bowen DD well as the Moore Barbarian and even repainted them. I love my older pieces and am proud of my repaints. I'm really torn here and I know my budget restricts me now to how many ARH pieces I could own. I love the Tarzan/croc, Huntress and Viking too. I gotta make some hard choices here soon
wolf-brother do u have pics of the base of tarzan/croc? Thanks
Thanks for the photos wolf, they look great.
Detail on Tarzan and the croc/gator will really standout once painted.
I've wanted anything Tarzan for a long time but was holding out for something great and I think this might be it.
When I looked at it I told Averone that, "Pork Chop Express is going to be very happy!" I had no intentions on Tarzan until I saw this today, it is special and actually had the smallest footprint of the big pieces.
I'll take some pics of the base tomorrow. There is a ton of detail there. You can see the entire piece in the background of the Ahrian pics.