Good news! We just received word from our factory that our 2014 line of statues is ready to ship, finally!
So, here is what happens next. All of the statues are leaving China this month. For all US buyers, we just need to wait for the statues to arrive and clear customs. Once this is done they will be immediately shipped by FedEx to your address.
Now, for all international orders, we can start shipping directly from the factory in China right away. This means you guys are probably going to receive the statues even earlier.
Here is a list of the statues shipping now. Unfortunately the Frazetta line is not yet ready and for those, we are still going to need to wait a little longer but there is no need for concern. It is just a matter of time. No orders will be canceled and all pre-orders are guaranteed and will ship as soon as our factory is done.
- Arhian the Head Huntress
- Hercules
- Queen of Vampires
- Alexander the Great
- Ares God of War (Golden Armor version)
- Tarzan Cry
The Shifflet Bros Viking is almost ready as well and will ship right after.
Please write us at:
[email protected] if you have any question or if you had a change of address. All of our ARH Studios staff is back from vacation, so we are available full time to answer any enquirers!
One more thing I want to add. I will be giving a one year free full subscription to our ARH ComiX website line, so all buyers who have ordered any of the statues above will have this free gift as my way of thanking for your patience and understanding.
You guys will be able to read and download all the comics that we will release this next year of 2016, including the three graphic novels for
ARHIAN, ASTRIA and ARKHALLA, the Queen of Vampires.
All you need to do is write us to redeem your subscription.
Arahom Radjah
ARH Studios Inc.