Arkham City/Asylum Joker Headsculpts by HANOUMAN! Finished regular sculpt pg 47

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Re: Arkham City/Asylum Joker Headsculpts (Sick and Regular) by HANOUMAN!

interested depending on sculpt thanks, luis
Re: Arkham City/Asylum Joker Headsculpts (Sick and Regular) by HANOUMAN!

didnt think it would be this much interested in this maybe we can get more sculpts from arkham city
Re: Arkham City/Asylum Joker Headsculpts (Sick and Regular) by HANOUMAN!

please update mine to sick-painted(if possible)
thanks! bring on them arkham figures! :)
Re: Arkham City/Asylum Joker Headsculpts (Sick and Regular) by HANOUMAN!

Hey Brant why'd you skip me man? :dunno
I want a regular version....
Re: Arkham City/Asylum Joker Headsculpts (Sick and Regular) by HANOUMAN!

I guess I want one. Put me down.

Which version? Or both?

EDIT: Just saw your new post. Fixed :duff

Please remember guys, a painted version has not been confirmed at this point yet. And even if it is, it will be extremley limited (like 5) due to Seb's workload. So a majority of you wanting painted sculpts will likely not make the cut. The list will be made from those who have requested a painted one and in the order requested in this thread. But I'm sure there will be no shortage of painters that would love what is sure to be another beautiful sculpt from Hano :rock

As for other Arkham figures, I would be up for them if outfits were available. The upcoming BBK Clown figure is making this possible. And Moe is putting together an Arkham Batman figure in a seperate project. But other than perhaps Two-face, a lot of the outfits in the game would be very difficult to make. And frankly, I'm not really looking at paying Kato tailoring prices right now. But if anyone has any ideas, I'm certainly open to them! :)
Re: Arkham City/Asylum Joker Headsculpts (Sick and Regular) by HANOUMAN!

Yea no Kato please. Sh!!!t gets ridiculous when he's involved. Not that his stuff isn't nice, it's just a little too unnecessary.
Re: Arkham City/Asylum Joker Headsculpts (Sick and Regular) by HANOUMAN!

Interested in regular please. Thanks!
Re: Arkham City/Asylum Joker Headsculpts (Sick and Regular) by HANOUMAN!

Yea no Kato please. Sh!!!t gets ridiculous when he's involved. Not that his stuff isn't nice, it's just a little too unnecessary.

Exactly. So really, Two-face is the only one I can think of that would be somewhat do-able and even he would be difficult with the burnt half of the suit/body. :dunno
Re: Arkham City/Asylum Joker Headsculpts (Sick and Regular) by HANOUMAN!

List updated. If you haven't done so, please let me know which Sculpt(s) you want!
Re: Arkham City/Asylum Joker Headsculpts (Sick and Regular) by HANOUMAN!

I feel like a ____ saying this but i want to be sure before this get started and everything. Hanouman often has a strong style in his sculpt, which is great, he does AMAZING work! I just wanted to be sure he was going to try and match the source material as close as humanly possible here.
Re: Arkham City/Asylum Joker Headsculpts (Sick and Regular) by HANOUMAN!

He will but on a good size the head is pretty stylise to begin with.
But there will still be a part of his style in this sculpt, I htink that's the point of asking him. Well at tleast that is what i'm thinking of.

When you see his kilowog for example, it has his style while looking super realistic.
Re: Arkham City/Asylum Joker Headsculpts (Sick and Regular) by HANOUMAN!

Well it's his style so i'm sure even if he tried to hide it, his style will still come through, but I think in a good way.

I have no doubt this will turn out to be a stellar project regardless, maybe anyone who is unsure can just wait and see what the sculpt looks like before signing up
Re: Arkham City/Asylum Joker Headsculpts (Sick and Regular) by HANOUMAN!

I think his Kilowog is a great example of looking like the source material (movie wog) with his sculpting style still showing through. So I am sure he'll nail this :rock
Re: Arkham City/Asylum Joker Headsculpts (Sick and Regular) by HANOUMAN!

put me down for a regular for right now,thanks
and if possible,id love to be one of the lucky ones to get a painted hs :D
Re: Arkham City/Asylum Joker Headsculpts (Sick and Regular) by HANOUMAN!


well i'm think this design was made for me and my style, it's the principal reason of why i'm in in this project

and i think i can keep my style and match with the source material

other thing when i work i'm always open to suggestion and modification
you will have really eraly WIP and regular update, like that you can see the evolution and say if you see something wrong
