I really love this one. The colors are great and really make it pop ! Would love to get this one !
It's gorgous isn't it!

I think it's time for aspen to stop recycling Turner's work
Yes, they really do but it what makes the money.

How many times can they recolor the same piece?
It is beginning to bug me a little although I guess it is to be expected this year because of the '10 for 10' promotion going which is celebrating Mike's legacy and the company he started. Ultimately he is Aspen's legend and they will ALWAYS refer to his work and will make some serious coin doing it, it's guaranteed, especially on the Bay.
Aspen are going all out this year and it's a little daunting. I hate their new site which is contrary to eveything I've considered Aspen to be and that's quality. It looks cheap, cluttered and is not very easy to navigate. They are having a LOT of 'bugs' with it. I didn't even have an account initially but now that's fixed I can't even buy anything

They are throwing out new titles, new characters, making use of more artists (Debalfo, EBAS, JSC to name a few).
This years seems to be old VS new for Aspen (imo) cos while they are utilising all this new stuff, they are also celebrating Michael Turner with the re-colouring of the 2003 Tour Prints and listing more reprints of his work.
I personally wish they would use different images, there must be hundreds if not thousands of perfect, unused Turner Artwork/images that would make incredible prints.
However I can see the upside of re-clouring/re-printing for those that missed out on an older print that now goes for several hundred $$ but it would be nice to see more new prints, like the Christmas day Print for example.
In addition Aspen are now also making eBay only prints, at least they have set a precedent for it recently (not with a MT print, but who knows if that could be next?). It was a print produced ONLY to be sold on eBay and that appears to me as nothing but an opportunity to create a bidding war, grab money.
I've always loved buying Aspen pieces but I'm beginning to be a little miffed by it all.
.....and they no longer have Lady Mechanika, that alone pisses me off

Just my thoughts anyway.
You mean this one?

Very nice, in fact scrap that it's gorgeous!!