Same, my copy arrived; funny cause there isn't a lot of art in it; just a lot of production set photos and stills from the movies.
Looks like an interesting read; and trust me, there is quite a bit of interesting text in this book.
There's quite a bit of text period. I couldn't believe how a.) huge and b.) filled with text this book is. It's going to take forever to go through! (in a great way)
Received my copy of Art of Monsters Inc today from Amazon. I was really suprised when I saw it back in stock, this book has been selling for hundreds of dollars.
Strange that the publishing information at the front of the book still only mentions 2001. I checked it because I assumed it would be a new edition.
What are the list of numbers on the copyright page?
Here's a pic of the copyright page. I'm not bothered if it's a reprint, I'm just happy to have it to complete my Pixar Art Of collection.
You have a 5th printing. But you're right, it's nice just to have a copy in your collection.
How can you tell?