....and the Soap Opera continues...let's see what's going on today...Seems that 'Tom' is back from deaths doorstep (Sick for a Month with the Plague or something) and he's being deployed to a War somewhere...anyway he is training a replacement...But let's hear it in Tom/Dooley's own words...

idn't mean to freak anyone out. I got really sick at SDCC. Cough-->bronchitis-->pneumonia. I felt like death for almost a month. I didn't answer my phone & an ex even flew in to make sure I wasn't dead & rotting in my house. World got crazy while I was sick and I will be deployed again looks like soon with PTP (MRX/T&R) schedules out. No rest for the wicked! Training Émile to take over customer service, doing updates, replying to email, and what not. Be nice to him; we don't want him to quit. He's Canadian American and despite his name, does not speak French.
Getting ready to get on the road to TN check on Nathans. According to texts, Brian got all the joints 3D printed for about 20 bodies. I hope they work out as it would speed up filling orders. I will give you an solid update tomorrow afternoon. I will respond to messages and emails when I get there. -Tom
OOOPS Something went wrong and another delay is in the works(I'm SHOCKED)
Here's Tom(Dooley) again...: I checked out what is going on in the shop. Those 3D printed joints FAILED. They could not hold up the tray with the head! It was a big disappointment and even though it delayed shipping and wasted some materials, Brian has since bought more material and has been casting joints, based on the last design of the body: armature frame with articulated joints. Shipping is resuming as planned. I will be training Emile arrived today and tomorrow on emails and SOP for orders. -Tom
It's never going to end ...is it?