how about the body? can it stand without the help of standing base?
is the body more like HT/3A, or more like SS/EB?
It's one of the KP bodies, should be good.
how about the body? can it stand without the help of standing base?
is the body more like HT/3A, or more like SS/EB?
No Josh I don't. Its bigger. Its plastic. It has black wrinkled cloth hanging from it. Is the helmet real metal? I don't see this looking much different than Sauron, sorry.
Why the hell do you want to argue about this? You don't think it's worth it? You have that right. Don't buy it then.
The sculpted parts look very nice. Unfortunately, the tattered clothing doesn't. The huge threads hanging hurts the scale effect. A finer weaved material would have looked significantly better.
I think it's still a sharp looking initial release for this company and I'm definitely looking forward to their line.
Because these companies take something, dress it up in a fancy box and charge crazy amounts for it and people eat it up because it seems like a fair price for what you get. This is an action figure. The morgul lord doesn't deserve this level of attention to detail because the character simply lacks that detail to make it worthwhile. Like I said before, take a human character where companies often have trouble hitting the likeness in sculpt and paint and I can see the prices charged. I still made a valid point about the display quality here. And thanks for reminding me I didn't have to buy this. I almost forgot.