I agree, so refreshing to see him in the front page.
I personally guarantee this bad boy is going to be the BEST monster(ugly creature) figure ever,
I have got a mass product in hand,
and it is freakingly good !!
I don't see him anywhere. Where are you seeing him? Link?
I absolutely can't wait!
Trying to resist ordering....after mouth of sauron I told myself the only other villain I'd get was sauron
I'm a pack rat though. I hold on to stuff for ridiculous reasons. I just went through "Box Gate". I lined up all my empty figure boxes and they spanned two full walls in my apartment! They were taking up every free closet space and storage area and also sitting around in stacks in my figure room.
I finally said F-it and threw away all the inside junk and flattened the ones that cool graphics.
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