I know it's maybe way too late to help or interest anyone, but let's share anyway.

At first, I owe Asmus some apology... I can remember I said that Asmus would never do anything as good as ACI with Aragorn. (and everybody can admit that the protos were ugly and they struggled a lot with the headsculpt) At the end, their Aragorn turned out even slightly better.
Of course I chose the "regular" fabric boots and not the "slim" plastic ones, and I gave them a wash of black ink to match the darker strider look.
I cut off the sews at the bottom of the jerkin. I also gave the jerkin a black ink wash. Then weathered it all.
For the coat I first sprayed it with matt varnish to break the glossy aspect. Then, of course... a wash of black ink. I cut off the sews at the bottom of the coat and at the end of the sleeves. At last, I made a little pattern for the right arm. It was boring as hell but not that long... And if you do not look too close it does the job.
I re-arranged the rollbed...
I gave the headsculpt a beard repaint, and made a little haircut. At the end I have a very nice Strider. The head may not be as good as some terrific customs rehaired, but overall it's a great figure, and I like it even better than my ACI one.
And, since I had one slim and one regular (to melt the parts and give the Black Gate version a correct head) I could make another Aragorn with the "waste" parts. For this one I chose the Amon Hen look.