Asmus Toys: Escape From New York Snake Plissken

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Johnny Utah

I'll take care of the police
CF Supporter
Jul 21, 2007
Reaction score
The new Crown GtW figure is definitely the new standard they have set for themselves, at least for the Crown series, so I hope this figure comes out just as good if not better. Asmus also used real leather for Aragorn and Dante's jackets if I remember correctly so hopefully that will mean Snake gets a real leather jacket as well.
Then it becomes the old argument...

They made a great jacket but bad elbow joints.

Great headsculpt but bad rooted hair.

Great accessories but bad stubble.

Every aspect needs to be great, not just assigning parts to different teams at different skill levels and putting the hybrid up for preorder.
If this is a crown series and they go in like their GTW. Then we will be in goof hands. I was hoping they do a The Thing MacReady Crown figure.
Had no idea they were doing SNAKE. I'd be excited but after the Ash release...not so much.

I'll keep one eye on it either case but not expecting much.
Huh so this is meant to be part of the Crown series AKA cream of the crop then? Did they previously announce they had the license and I missed it or is the comment in the OP the first news of it?

Seems ideal timing giving recent news. So what all would we want in such a release?
So what all would we want in such a release?
Simple really.

Seamless arms
Great Kurt sculpt
If hair is rooted it must look great
Brown jacket
Machine gun
Tracer bracelet
Throwing stars
Baseball bat and trash can lid
Chair to sit in base
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I'm curious and cautious after Ash. But I love Snake so I hope they get him right, their new Gandalf looks great.
This. I had to cancel the Asmus Ash because it was a figure that needed a LOT of work to look great and a nightmare for me to sell off. I'd rather not be duped by promo shots and wait till this figure is in hand.