People around here ask for statues. Well that can be done with silicone: pick the most iconic pose (e.g. on all fours), call it neutral position, and mould your silicone to look like that. For a lot of people, that will be it, and as long as silicone does not react with oxygen, it will hold up. As you know, silicone can be bent for extended periods without damaging it as long as you don't go too far. Well: with that you could already create some more iconic poses.
Another possibility would be to not mould the silicone to adopt one particular pose, but in some intermediate pose where the limbs are halfway between typical poses. Because of the particularities of the character at hand, that intermediate, neutral position wouldn't be that of standing, but some other. Done like this, posing limbs would put the least strain because all possible poses would be not too far away from neutral. That would solve the other half of the problem (the first being long-term rotting).
BTW the other proposed solution, that of statues with extra limbs to attain certain iconic poses, is not something to call home about actually. In fact, it looks to me like quite difficult to pull. You would certainly need several sets of arms and legs, plus an articulated neck or exchangeable neck+head sets. All in all it sounds like an expensive solution, and one that would also look worse because of seams and torso-limb discontinuities.
Silicone is the only way. And if carefully done, it will last as much as needed.