Super Freak
Cool. I might pick this up on Black Friday if the deal is good enough. This or maybe COD. The last AC that I liked was Black Flag.
I've played all the AC games since the 2nd (never went back to play the first), all the way up to currently working my way through Unity. I play them in order, but wait until they get dirt cheap on sales. I really like them overall, but I can't play them right in a row, or they get boring. So, in another six months, I'll get to Syndicate, and maybe a year from now, I'll tackle Origins. It does look really good though!
In my opinion, the Kenway era was the best (AC3 and Black Flag I loved, and Liberation, Freedom Cry, and Rogue were all great). So far, I like Unity, though that seems to be people's most disliked one in the series. The biggest problem with it, aside from glitches, is there are TOO MANY chests and side missions to do. I've spent hours going through the map collecting collectibles and doing side missions, only to see the completion meter go up 2%. It's just too much busy work. Seeing that the Origins map is the biggest one in the series, I'm worried it's also going to be needlessly padded out with too many collectibles.
Cool. I might pick this up on Black Friday if the deal is good enough. This or maybe COD. The last AC that I liked was Black Flag.
Is this anything like the original one? I played the very first one on PS3 and hated it. Every time I got spotted I'd have to go run and hide in pile of hay and just sit there and wait until it was clear to go back out. Eventually sold the game and never played another one in the series after that.
This new one looks like a lot of fun. I don't mind stealth games (like MGS) but I want the option to be able to sneak around or if I DO get caught then I can start taking people out.
If they see you and you run into hay, they might light the hay on fire.
I mean it is a Greed game, so in a way...I guess story elements from a design view are there, but combat is not like the others. World is vast and detailed.
The bird is a cool way to scout things out. This one has more RPG elements with the tree and leveling. You can just walking and fight a whole camp if you are higher level. Also you can get one shotted if you mess with things too higher level.
I am having fun with it. Treating it like Witcher 3. Just wondering around doing stuff and looking at things. Leveling up, picking skills that aid in my playstyle.
I feel that it "feels" much less clunkier than other greed games. I dont run up the wrong thing nearly as much. I do the moves I intend, when I intend them. Camera and locking on and be...meh, but I have played worse.
Look up some yourtube gameplay vids.
seems somewhat rushed
I've been playing since release day and it reminds me a lot of the newer Tomb Raider games. The story is interesting, and the map is massive!! Not too mention the Egyptian lore that is in the game.