Nah no one hurt. Just damage to my car I have to pay unfortunately. About $800 to replace what needs to be fixed. Oh well **** happens x_X
i guess u hit a signboard or something not another vehicle or pedestrian?
Nah no one hurt. Just damage to my car I have to pay unfortunately. About $800 to replace what needs to be fixed. Oh well **** happens x_X
These 3 Kotobukiya pieces came in during the last 3 weeks. They look really good in person. Levi is impeccable !
They looks very cool but also they look bigger than 1/8 scale. Maybe 1/7. They are too big to display with Brave series. I really like Mikasa but I cannot be sure about the scale.
Here's the explanation:
Take a look at this picture. Rin (Blue Exorcist) is 173 cm tall. Eren is 170 cm tall. But in this photo Eren looks way too big than Rin (not only the height but also the head, hands and feet too).
On the other hand Rin (Megahouse) and Levi (Brave) looks at the same scale because Levi is 160 cm tall.
My reference is Megahouse by the way.
I have all the Brave-Acts and Koto Eren and he looks HUGE next to them. Even comparing to my other Megahouse 1/8's he's too big. I'm hoping the GSC line is smaller so I can finally have a nice Mikasa 1/8 since Brave-Act has no current plans for Mikasa (surprisingly)
Wow that line really puts Levi's height into perspective. He's a tiny little fella ain't he
Good points though, I guess the Megahouse's are a bit smaller. Didn't realize that the Brave-Acts were slightly taller, they always looked small to me (maybe cuz of Levi). Still not feeling how out of scale the Koto's are. I think they look the best but they're definitely too big to display with any of my current 1/8's. They could go with my Phat Company Kill La Kill's since they seem to be on the bigger 1/8 scale.
Still curious to see how GSC's are gonna stack up. If they ever release them that is...
You bought that? Boss.Looks like next month my Goodsmile Colossal Titan Statue thing will arrive.
Wearing the costume while playing with your AoT figma's would be hilariously cool .....Any of you guys got the Titan haloween costume? I saw it during my trip to Tokyo last year and it seems very well made. I was tempt to get em but it cost 10k yen and I have yet to read the manga.