Hello Master, your highness, the great one, I suck I know. I am not worthy.
Sorry I've been very delusional and I haven't had my mind straight on anything ever since I've watch the Hulk movie. I mean where was
I when this movie hit the theaters, I'm such an idiot... I know you told me and I should of listened, I've waste so many years collecting
this Buffy crap whenever I could of invested good hard earn money on Hulk, Doom, Magneto, Venom, etc... MAN WHAT a "id10t" I have been.
I'm really sorry about not understanding the full power of the Hulk it's much more than I imagine. SMG seems so week to me now, it's like
I've been smashed out of coffin and I'm a free lil birdy now!

BTW Ski you've always been there for me, whenever I was disco dancing
wit Buffy fans and eating White Castles at Home Depot. You've really pulled me out of fire and shown me the light. It's crazy to think
that I probably won't meet someone like you ever again in my life and I'm grateful that I haven't followed in the footsteps as others like
Something Dead,
i and
Powerofnone, such n00bs. I guess I should be the happiest man on this earth, *typing on iPhone* this
feels really good!!!!

Damn almost out of toilet paper. *toilet flushes*
Chapter 2099 (#1 Hulkski fan4ever)