I was in no way trying to diss the home owners.I am just trying to understand the taxes part of it all.I pay rent cause my credit is sh tty.If owning a home is as great as they say,then fine,I just don't want to pay anything extra at the end of the year paying taxes,and then loose my tax return as well.
I still don't know where this is coming from. Your property taxes have nothing to do with your income tax return unless you are so far behind the government does a tax grab and takes your return before you get it. If that's the case then it's your own fault for being behind on your taxes.
As you'll learn life is all about paying taxes. You pay property taxes once, I repeat one time. Either all at once during property tax time (not the same as "tax time" ie income taxes) or have your mortgage company take out a years taxes for you 1/12th at a time included with every monthly mortgage payment.
You do not pay property taxes all year, then at the end of the year, and then get your tax refund taken. That's just silly.
PS if your parents don't have enough money from their tax return to pay their property taxes then they need to either have more money taken out in taxes every month and let the government earn the interest on it (very stupid), or save money each month for their tax bill at the end of the year (duh), or buy a smaller house with lower property taxes.
FYI: Tax return are not free money that the government gives to you at the end of the year. If you get any return whatsoever that doesn't just involve a tax credit then you are doing it wrong. That is your money they are giving back to you because you
overpaid during the year. It amazes me the amount of people who look at it like the government is doing them some huge favor every year by giving them a tax return. Claim married, claim 15 dependents do whatever you need to do to get as much of your paycheck as you can every month. Use the money all year and earn a return off of it then happily give the government their due at the end of the year. It can easily have the net effect of lowering your taxes by 30%-60% every year.
Anyways, sorry about that the Jew in my took over for a bit.